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Behind the Lens of Imraan Christian

For artist and photographer Imraan Christian, it isn’t just about taking great shots, but taking ones that matter

These days, anyone can be a photographer, right? We’re all armed with smartphones that contain not just cameras but photo-editing apps that can turn images into something that will bring in the likes. But this visual art form is about so much more than that, and if you think you are a decent photographer, you might feel differently when you see the work of Imraan Christian. Just saying. 

Triple threat
Imraan Christian isn’t one to be pigeonholed. This Capetonian creative is not just an award-winning photographer, but refers to himself as a storyteller, being an artist and filmmaker as well. He uses his craft as a way to drive social change. He made a name for himself working with international brands such as Red Bull, MTV, Nike and Adidas, which has built him a phenomenal CV. With that being said, some of his most talked about, and definitely most poignant, work has been the images he has taken on the Cape Flats and his documenting of the #FeesMustFall protests in 2015.

When these protests began, Imraan was a recent graduate and freelance journalist, and he made sure that he was there to document reality through pictures. He claims to have been conscious of whom he represented, and ended up taking some of the most iconic photos of the students and their revolution. His aim? To prevent people becoming desensitised and to spread awareness of the issues that students are facing across South Africa. It’s safe to say that he got people talking and his objective was achieved.

Following his path
In case you were thinking of dismissing Imraan as you’d be making a huge mistake. He says that he believes his purpose in life is to bring light, and that is exactly what he is doing. Born and raised on the Cape Flats, he wants to use his craft to show other children growing up in those communities that they are capable of success. In one of his photographic series, he takes pictures of children using cameras and musical instruments. His hope was that it would encourage them to dream big and to chase those dreams passionately and without fear.

Whether he is collaborating with big-name brands or taking pictures portraying life in local communities, it’s safe to say that Imraan, an artist with many talents, uses his multiple media as a way to start a dialogue. He knows that art can be cathartic, shed light on injustice and also play a part in dismantling the remnants of apartheid which still plague society today. It’s quite a big ask, but we think he’s up to it.

For more, page through your March issue of ClubX.