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Get totally toned with this 4-week Pilates workout

Look leaner, longer and stronger in just four weeks with our at-home Pilates workout.  

You don’t need to be dripping with sweat to whip your body into shape. Seriously. If you want a workout to target every part of your body (and we mean every inch), then Pilates should be on your radar. It will not leave a muscle or joint unattended, says celebrity Pilates instructor Gaby Noble, who has taught the likes of Kate Moss and Harry Styles.

Pilates stretches and strengthens at the same time, helping to create that long, sculpted look, as well as improving balance, co-ordination and circulation, she adds. Remember to engage that core at all times – not only will this prevent other muscles (like your neck) from taking over, which can cause injury, but it will also help you get one step closer to achieving a flatter tummy. Get started with this 15 (yes, 15!) minute plan.  

The moves  

“It’s not about rep numbers, it’s about how you do them,” says Gaby. “Each move should be precise and controlled!”  

1. Half roll-up  

Sit on your bum, knees bent, feet on the floor and hip-width apart. Stretch your arms out in front, hands together. Inhale, lift your spine, then exhale and round the spine as you roll backwards. Inhale, then exhale to bring you back to a seated position.  

2. Saw  

Sit tall on your bum, legs extended out in front, slightly wider than hip-width. Extend arms out to one side. Inhale as you draw abs in and up, lifting tall through the spine. Exhale slowly as you twist your waist to the left with hips remaining square and grounded. Inhale as you draw back to centre. Repeat on the other side.  

Place hands by sides (or in diamond position underneath the tailbone if you have back sensitivity). Lift legs to 90° (if too tight, open the legs slightly apart with heels together in a diamond position). Lower legs down for one count, then up for one.  

4. The 100  

Lie on your back, knees to chest and arms alongside your body, palms down. Inhale as you lift head and eyes towards your belly button. Exhale, sinking your belly button into spine. Extend legs to 45° (or as high as comfortable), pump arms up and down as you inhale for five counts, then exhale for five. Aim to build up to repeat the sequence 10 times. Bend knees back into chest, lower legs and head. If you have neck or back problems, keep your head flat on the floor at first.  

5. Rolling like a ball  

Sit with your knees bent to chest, slightly apart and heels together. Lift feet off ground, while lightly holding onto ankles (or underneath knees for more support). Inhale, drawing belly button to spine, creating a C-curve, then exhale. Inhale, roll back, massaging spine. Exhale to roll back up. Try to keep feet hovering above floor.  

6. Criss cross  

Lie on your back, knees bent into chest. Place your hands behind your head with elbows extended out to sides. Lift head and shoulders. Extend right leg out in front, maintaining a flat back. At the same time, twist your upper body, reaching right shoulder to left knee. Return to the centre, rotate to other side.  

7. Leg circles

Lie on your back and sink your belly button to the floor. Draw left leg to the chest, then extend up to the ceiling, while the other leg stays flat on the floor. Inhale, circle your extended leg clockwise. Exhale, lower leg down towards the centre line in circling motion. Reverse and repeat.   

8. Spine stretch forward  

Sit tall on your bum with legs extended out in front, slightly wider than hip-width. Extend arms at shoulder width in front of you, keep feet flexed. Inhale as you lift tall, exhale as you draw chin to chest, reaching forward over imaginary ball to create a C-curve. Inhale as you re-stack spine and exhale as you return to start.  

9. Single-leg stretch  

Lie on your back, draw your right knee into the chest with both hands placed on the right leg, and head lifted. Keeping tailbone anchored to floor, extend left leg to 45° (90° if you have back sensitivity). Inhale, change legs, exhale and repeat on other side. 

Pilates How-To  

Breathing: Essential for isolating your abs and pelvic floor, helping to relax tense muscles and to relieve mental tension. Inhale to engage your tummy muscles and exhale during the ‘effort’ part of the movement. 

C-cure: Allows your spine to round by scooping in your abs. This helps strengthen your deep abdominals and stretches your back muscles.  

Words by: Media Future Publishing
Photograph: Getty Images 

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