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The Benefits of Laughter


In this day and age, we are overwhelmed with daily routines, personal commitments and jobs that keep us working overtime. We become completely consumed by the media, trends and expectations. In the midst of it all, we often forget to take a breather and just be content with life and being alive. With so much negativity spreading in the world, it often becomes difficult to smile.


When we don’t smile we’re missing out on a plethora of health benefits. We’ve done our research and have compiled a list of benefits that come from having a good old laugh every now and then.


Improves Cardiac Health

Laughter shakes everything up, literally. A good, long laugh can be a wonderful cardio workout that helps to pump the blood around your body. This improves overall blood circulation and may even help to burn unwanted calories.


Endorphins Galore

Your body produces it’s own supply of natural pain killers all the time. In certain cases, some people’s system is too weak or sickly to produce the correct amount of endorphins to regulate pain. Laughter is a great remedy to this health issue, as it triggers the release of endorphins.


Workout Wonder

Have a good, intense laugh once a day and you’re bound to work those core muscles, and incidentally also tone your abdomen.


Goodbye High Stress Levels

Laughter fights against terrible stress hormones, such as Cortisol and Epinephrine. This helps reduce anxiety levels and boosts the immune system.


Promotes Well-Being

You are always able to boost your overall sense of well-being. This is scientifically proven. Laughter happens to be one way to do this. When you develop a positive attitude about life, you’re able to live a healthier lifestyle. Smiling and just having a laugh regularly will help to promote positivity, which could lead to a longer, prosperous life.