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The Best Apps To Ease Through the Work Day

Here are a few of the best apps to assist you through the work day.

Do you have days when you feel like you might A) explode or B) turn into a raging alcoholic trying to cope with an insane world? Well then, this could be the app for you. Some people don’t get what it means to vent, so when you go to them, they give you solutions and logic… which isn’t always what you want. Vent allows you to connect with others who will listen, support, advise and even make you laugh. It even has an emotion slider that will allow you to tap into the resources that those feeling the same way as you have to offer. And it’s colour coordinated! An app that lets you release your ‘crazy’ in a safe, non-judgemental space sounds like a good fix for an everyday problem. 
Available on Android and iOS

In a world of fads and crazes, mindfulness is something that has stood the test of time. But how do you become mindful? Where do you go for lessons? As with almost everything in life, there’s an app for that. Headspace is one such app that teaches its users how to meditate and live mindfully. An added bonus? Their guided sessions are short, meaning that they’re easy to slot into any free space you have in the day. They also have SOS sessions on standby, just in case you have an unscheduled meltdown. According to Emma Watson, ‘It’s kind of genius.’ Who are we to disagree? 
Available on Android and iOS

We live a cluttered life; with electronics, notepads, diaries, and post-it notes, it’s no wonder that some things fall through the cracks. Well, Todoist promises to seal the cracks and ensure that you’ll never have to worry about forgetting anything ever again. With this app, you’ll be able to schedule everything you need to get done and keep that list in one place. This app allows you to update your list anytime, anywhere, and on any device! It’s time to free your mind and get it focused on the right things. 
Available on Android and iOS

For more apps to help get you through the work day, page to the January of ClubX.