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Confidence is key, says Laverne Turner-Manuel

Entrepreneur and content creator, the lovely Laverne Turner-Manuel proves that all bodies are beautiful  

From Kuils River to Dubai, she’s always on the move… and making big moves! Starting her plus- sized clothing line LTM Curve in 2019, Laverne has established herself as a fashionista, impactful businesswoman and inspiring advocate for self-acceptance and body positivity despite the hurdles, setbacks and naysayers. Wife, mom and curve model, she continues to prove that there is strength in loving yourself no matter what.  

Q: How would you describe your journey of self-acceptance?  

A: Learning to love every inch of me has been the most transformative journey that has no end as I continue to evolve. Fitting the mould has always been foreign to me. I was the bigger sister, cousin, friend, and I always felt it – society has a bad habit of reminding you of your shortfalls. As I got older and lost the ‘baby fat,’ I was still overlooked as the bigger girl, although some tried to not make it too obvious, LOL.  

Q: How did you start loving yourself and being different?  

A: I’ve always loved myself but I only really understood the meaning of radical ‘self-love’ when the global body- positivity movement started and a Cape Town designer asked me if I’d model their clothes after seeing me on social media. I was actively championing my women empowerment events where, ironically, I taught women to love themselves. Being a part of the growth of this incredible movement gave me a place to call ‘home’ in my body and mind, by teaching me that what society told us was unappealing was what made me unique and beautiful.  

Q: What hurdles have you experienced with self-love and growth?  

A: Learning to know when criticism is constructive or coming from an ignorant place can sometimes have blurred lines, so accepting criticism for what it is was a learning curve. In the beginning, not everyone understood the message of ‘loving and accepting yourself regardless’, so there were many mean comments, saying I was promoting bad health, encouraging women to ‘let themselves go’ and the list goes on. There were (and sometimes still are) moments where I feel that I need to push harder for an opportunity in the industry, but that exists in most industries and I try to remind myself of that.  

Q: Are there any barriers you’ve broken in the plus-size industry?  

A: A major one for me was being in the windows of stores in every shopping centre in the country! It taught girls who ‘didn’t’ fit the mould that they can be ‘seen’ and boldly so – we have a place! I’ve gone on to do it again by being on the screens in Cape Town’s biggest shopping centre. I’ve managed to work with so many brands over the years that it’s safe to say that the industry has made space for women like me. 

Q: What are some myths about curvy women?  

A: That we love to eat! It couldn’t be further from the truth for most of us – in fact, some of us live very healthy lives! I personally eat as clean as I can and am in the gym five days a week. Another is that we’re lazier than ‘regular’ girls because of our weight! I find that misconception hilarious because most of the curvy women I know and see are all doing their thing.  

Q: Any advice for aspiring curvy models?  

A: Health has never had a size – as long as you’re fuelling your mind and body well, there is no number on a scale that can define you… Go out there with confidence, take up space and own it! Invest in self-love of mind and body, always focusing on the goal. Then sign up with a reputable agency and be great! 

Fun facts about LAVERNE  

Do you have a hidden talent?
Many! But one stands out: I have the ability to create something out of nothing – not literally, but creatively.  

Three things you would need if you were stranded on a desert island?
Sunscreen (I have hyper-pigmentation), my phone (I need to check Insta!) and lip gloss (for the odd selfie!). Summer in Dubai or Cape Town? Summers in Dubai are well over 50°C, so definitely Cape Town! Dubai is magic in ‘winter’, though.  

Best book you’ve ever read?
The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma – it put so much into perspective for me.  

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