Don’t let a lack of experience hold you back. With a few clever tricks up your sleeve, you can make your green dreams come true – just begin!
1. Start small
It’s best to try your hand at growing a hardy indoor plant first to get your confidence up. Try one of the following indoor plants, which are hardy (read ‘hard to kill’) and don’t require a lot of attention or very particular conditions. All these plants require is lots of bright (not direct) indoor light, and a good watering every now and then. TIP: Watering requirements may change form winter to summer. Poke your finger a few centimetres into the soil to check: if the soil is bone dry, your plants need water.
- Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
- ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
- Delicious monster (Monstera deliciosa)
- Mother-in-law’s-tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata)
Also read: How to keep garden bugs under control
2. Easy-peasy plant food
Potted plants should be fed every second watering or so – and it’s so easy to make your own plant food. Just add any combination of the following to a large pitcher of water, and allow to stand for at least 6 hours or, ideally, a few days: ground eggshells, chopped banana peels, Epsom salts (1–2 Tbsp), and/or milk.
Also read: 11 garden tools for every gardener
3. Don’t throw out your coffee grounds
Love coffee? You have more in common with your plants than you thought! Most plants also love java – although they prefer the grounds. Coffee grounds contain key nutrients your houseplants need to grow. Best of all? Used coffee grounds are better than fresh, which may be too acidic, so it’s a win-win. Add used grounds to home-made compost or mix a teaspoon into the soil of your pot plant.
Also read: Our Top Five Gardening Instagram Accounts to Follow
4. Give your plants a shower
Plants breathe through their leaves, and indoor plants can accumulate dust and build-up on the surface, which can affect their health. If you have a detachable shower head in your bathroom, pop your plants into your bathtub or shower and give them a spray – it’s quicker than wiping each leaf individually.
@miz_legrand Shower time, who else does this? 😂 #plantoftiktok #planthack #planttok #planttips #houseplants #plantshower ♬ Just Water – Bryansanon
5. Start a conversation
It sounds kooky, but talking nicely to your plants has been shown to help them grow! Tell them how beautiful they are and how much you appreciate them when passing by or giving them some water – they’ll respond to your good vibes, literally.
@attn Plants get lonely too #learnontiktok #tiktokpartner #plantsoftiktok ♬ original sound – attn:
Image: Unsplash