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How to Declutter Your Wardrobe for the New Season

Decluttering your wardrobe can be an overwhelming task, which is why most of us put it off for so long. Doing a proper closet overhaul will not only make getting ready every day so much easier, but it’ll also help you feel less anxious and guilty about the amount of clothing you own. With everyday life being as hectic as it is, we really don’t need additional stress. These steps will make decluttering a lot less overwhelming. 

1. Pull everything out (yes, everything!)

The only way you’re going to be able to properly take stock of your wardrobe is to pull out everything you have. Depending on how much clothing you have, it could take you an entire day to do a proper inventory, in which case you might want to pin down an exact date in your calendar for it. If this feels very daunting, you can make it a fun activity by playing your favourite music, or putting on a podcast while you sort through everything. 

2. Sort your clothing into piles: ‘keep’, ‘try on’, ‘seasonal’ and ‘give’

You must be very ruthless here. If there’s something that you haven’t worn in the past year (seasonal items aside), you probably won’t wear it ever again. It can be difficult to let go of certain items that hold sentimental value or invoke nostalgia.  

If you get stuck here, you may want to make use of Japanese organising queen Marie Kondo’s famous KonMari Method. This method encourages you to ‘thank’ each item of clothing for fulfilling its purpose, saying why it doesn’t work for you anymore, and moving on.  

Then decide if you want to give it to a family member or friend or donate it to a charity shop or thrift store. If you’re the indecisive type, it can be helpful to rope in a family member or friend so you can ask them for a second opinion. 

Before you put an item back in your closet, ask yourself if it still fits you. If you’re not sure, put it in the ‘try on’ pile, to be tried on later. The advantage of creating a dedicated try-on pile is that it won’t interrupt your flow, enabling you to move onto the next pile and tick more things off your list.  

When it comes to seasonal clothing, buy some large transparent tubs from a plastics store, and sort your clothing according to the season (summer and winter). This way you can easily swap things out when the seasons change. You’ll also find you’ll have way more space to work and be able to see your outfit options at a glance, instead of looking at a jumble of clothes every morning and moaning that you have nothing to wear (we’ve all been there!). 

3. Revisit the process regularly and purchase with intent

It’s shocking the amount of ‘stuff’ we can accumulate in just a few months. That’s why it’s important to revisit this decluttering process at least once or twice a year. And when you next hit the stores, try to be very intentional about what you purchase. Many of us still buy something that doesn’t quite fit the way we want it to in the hopes that we’ll lose weight, or it can be tailored to fit us properly. If in doubt, practise this rule: if it’s not 100% yes, it’s a no.