Vision boards are more than just pretty pictures – they could be the key to translating your dreams from an idea to a lived reality.
In an increasingly vision boards have gained devotees in personal and business spheres. Simply put, a vision board is a collage of images meant to represent goals and desires. The appeal of vision boards lies in the power of the figurative – the chosen images don’t have to be literal. Does the castle you used in your vision board guarantee a future of ball gowns and princes? No. It can, however, represent your desire to move into your dream home one day. While simple in concept, a vision board could be the key to finally taking steps towards your ideal future.
What’s the big idea?
While vision boards may seem as simple as creating a collage of images, they are more than just a decorative fixing on your bedroom wall. Studies published by Lesley University, as well as in the journal Neuropsychologia, have presented compelling evidence that creating a visual representation of one’s goals can create a stronger desire to achieve those goals. In the journal Vision Boards – Redefining Your Journey Through Visualization, co-authors from the Massachusetts Art Education Association suggest that, “This simple act of having complete control over the creation of a tangible product from start to finish starts to shift and change the way the brain has been programmed, giving the artist a sense of ownership and pride, and perhaps hope for what’s ahead.” Vision boards anchor ideas through the process of creating art, which in itself can be a very calming and pleasant process. They can enforce a sense of accomplishment through the creative process, as well as opening new avenues for thinking that you may not have considered before.
Envisioning the vision board: how to make one
The first step is determining what you value the most. Do you want to secure a new job in the next few months? Are you looking to improve your personal relationships? Do you hope to cut back on bad habits and introduce new ones? Make a note of all of these to guide you in assembling your board. What sets vision boards apart from a simple list of goals is the opportunity to dream BIG.
While other forms of goal-setting aim for a more realistic, short-term approach, vision boards give the creator an opportunity to visualise long-term goals along with short-term ones. The cupcake could represent a desire to learn how to bake sweet treats, or could also represent a desire to own a successful bakery – the choice is yours! Keep track of your stream of consciousness: write down your big ideas on your notes app or with a pen in a journal. Remember, this is just an initial brainstorm before the final product – let the ideas flow and don’t get too precious with it.
The next step is looking up inspiration and choosing your materials. Have a look at magazines or pamphlets around the house that you are willing to sacrifice for a good cause. Apps such as Pinterest, Instagram and TikTok can be a great starting point if you are more prone to internet use. Some of these platforms offer the option to create a collection of images and videos so that you can keep track of what you’re interested in, and even suggest similar content to you via the algorithm, giving you a wider range than the average stack of magazines at your disposal. In terms of assembling your masterpiece, the traditional vision board is made out of printed pictures cut out and assembled collage style. While this is the easier route to take, you shouldn’t fear the digital approach. Programmes such as Canva, Picsart and Adobe Photoshop (amongst many other smartphone apps) offer the user the ability to create a digital collage and then print out the finished product. Feel free to use a mix of media and styles to fit your taste!
How to use it
Display your vision board somewhere prominent in your home so that you see it every day. Perhaps the vision board could be pinned onto your notice board? Stuck to your bedroom wall? On the fridge for you to ponder at while on the hunt for a midnight snack? The key is consistency. Seeing your vision board every day will serve as a reminder of what you’re working towards. Just like humans, vision boards are also subject to change depending on experiences. Feel free to change up some of the minor ideas on your vision board, but make sure to hold onto the big ideas.
By Aman Adams