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Interior Designer Lauren McCreath

Sometimes, a fresh space needs a professional’s eye. We chat to interior designer Lauren McCreath from Lauren McCreath Interiors about the art of interior design.

Can you briefly explain what the job of an interior designer entails?

An interior designer creates functional and beautiful spaces by carefully considering their client’s wants, needs and specific design objectives. They take the flow and the way a room works, as well as the aesthetic, into consideration. A skilled designer’s work will show a crystallised version of their client’s personality.

What is your favourite part of the job?

I absolutely love the process of sourcing unique signature pieces and curating them in the right way. Styling it and seeing it all come together is pure magic.

Describe your design style in three words.

Sophisticated. Eclectic. Liveable.

What is the last project you worked on?

Our latest project was styling a beautiful high-end apartment in Muizenberg’s iconic Empire building. The space is near Surfer’s Corner and has a magnificent view of the beach and promenade. I loved using classic pieces as well as vibrant colours and wall-paper to capture the seaside town’s energy. We also carefully considered the history of Muizenberg and its Art Deco influence. Curating fabrics, artworks and decor pieces made by local artisans was one of the most exciting parts of this project.

Who is your style icon?

My darling mother! I am so grateful to her, as well as my grandparents, for instilling a great respect for antiques, furniture and art in me from a young age. In terms of other designers, I love the work of Kit Kemp and India Hicks. Their expert use of colour and texture is inspiring.

Whose house would you love to decorate?

Someone who is interested in creating something unique and truly distinct from what you could get just anywhere. I love working with art lovers, especially clients interested in supporting South African artists’ work by incorporating it into their homes.

How do you spend your free time?

I love having a good cup of tea on my patio. My husband and children are kind of cool to hang out with, too. I enjoy searching for signature pieces – furniture, fabrics, objets d’art and collectibles in strange little vintage and second-hand stores, and markets. As a family, we love adventuring through our beautiful city as often as we can.

Have you learnt anything vital while dealing with renovation projects?

Time planning is crucial! It is also very important to make sure you have a good team of craftsmen who understand the need for precision and perfect finishes.

Where would you say is the best place to start when decorating a space?

I start off by assessing the layout and the functionality of the space and then I look at something I find inspiring, but easily changed, like a colour or fabric. Reaching the final look is a dynamic creative process that often entails a lot of adjustment along the way, so try not to get stuck on any hard-and-fast rules about how to get there. 

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