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Buhle Lupindo, The Campus Scoop

Youtube funny girl Buhle Lupindo gives us the campus scoop

Being a student is tough, but in true South African spirit, we take everything as it comes. Buhle Lupindo, a student in brand strategic communication, gives us a first-hand account of what roaming the corridors of a university, packed libraries, sleepless nights spent on nothing but exam prep, and the endless struggle of having to keep up with tertiary education fees is really like. 

What’s it like being a student in SA?
Broke, always. I’m joking. It’s a variety of things, good and bad. For me, I think it’s exciting, hard work, a minor inconvenience, fun, anxiety, stress, emotional, privilege. We tend to forget that being a student in some instances is a privilege, but we cannot separate that from problems that we encounter as students. It’s amazing to be able to study what you want and work toward something, but in many instances the problems of your personal capacity surface. So it’s a roller coaster of emotions that students face and they’re all valid. 

How do you deal with stress during exams?
I eat a lot and hope for the best and try to stay positive. Also, having a YouTube channel helps because I express myself on it and people have helped me build myself. I struggle with anxiety, so exams usually heighten it. So I’m very cautious and aware of my triggers and I try to stay away from them. In some instances I win, but I also lose sometimes. However, I’ve always tried to pick myself up after umgowo (going through the most). 
University culture, survive or conform: 
University allows you to meet different people from numerous backgrounds, especially for me, being from the Eastern Cape, moving to Joburg.
With that, it builds you and you can assimilate. There will be so many mistakes and that’s okay. As long as you learn and keep it moving sweetie!

Memorable moments as a student?
Meeting a variety of people and making friends with incredible humans. I wish I could make my relationship with money more memorable though. Like, long lasting and eternal.

What would you change about tertiary education?
I would make it accessible to everyone. There’s nothing worse in SA than people wanting to study who can’t because of finances. It’s ridiculous that we’re told education is the key yet there are terms and conditions to these keys, which have to do with accessibility to finances. Qha! (finished)

Do you have advice for students enrolling in university?
You just need to find what works for you and continue working towards it. You’ll find difficulties in some situations but you need to always choose yourself and what will be best for you. As selfish as that sounds, university will be amazing! Just take it as it comes and take care of your mental health. 

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