Ah, the seasonal shuffle! As summer fades into autumn, it’s time to reorganise your closet. Sounds straightforward, right? Wrong. Here’s a rundown of the top five mistakes you might be making.
1. The “I’ll keep it for when I lose weight” trap
Look, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you’ve picked up a few kilograms and are actively taking steps to shed them through diet and exercise adjustments. In which case, a slinky dress that no longer fits could serve as motivation.
However, if you have not worn the item in a year, it no longer fits you and merely makes you feel bad about yourself whenever you see it – it’s time for it to go.
In fact, this is a good rule of thumb to apply to any items of clothing, even if they fit – if you haven’t worn them in a long time and they no longer spark joy, as Marie Kondo says, they’re just clutter.
@neat.caroline Easy way to keep your closet organized! #closetorganization #closethack #declutter #clutter #howtoorganize #closettips #tips #fyp #nyc #proorganizer ♬ original sound – Neat Caroline
2. Keeping summer items out in winter
Keeping items of clothing in your closet that you’re unlikely to wear again until the weather warms up in spring is going to be another cause of clutter in your wardrobe.
Pack away the crop tops, flip-flops, summery dresses and swimsuits. Make sure your clothes are clean and dry, fold them neatly and store in a cool, dark place for the winter. (If you’re concerned about pests, add a sachet of lavender or rosemary for a natural alternative to stinky mothballs.)
@saraksiddiqi I did the Autumn/Winter seasonal switchover and I’m so happy to have this wardrobe all ready and organised for the new season! My top wardrobe organisation tips: 1. Use the seasonal swap method twice a year to switch between seasons. This is super effective for small spaces. Plus you only have the clothes you need at hand and this makes getting ready so much easier. 2. Use storage cases or containers to store all your non seasonal clothes. 3. Have a clear out at the same time. Make 3 piles – one for things you want to keep, another for donating and one for your maybe items. 4. Be ruthless with your maybe pile. The idea is to make swift decisions and move on. 5. Finally don’t get stuck on the organisation part. Yes there are helpful tips but there isn’t really any right or wrong way to organise your clothes. It needs to work for you and the space you have. Go get started on that Autumn wardrobe! 🍂 #wardrobeorganisation #autumnwinterwardrobe #closetcleanout #styletips #fy ♬ original sound – Sara
3. Failing to organise
Does entering your closet feel like an archaeological expedition? Time to get organised. Arrange your clothes by category; for example: sleepwear, casual, work, formal, gym, etc. Colour coordinating your hangers to each category can also act as a quick visual reference. Make sure any containers are labelled so you can see what’s inside at a glance. (If you have a Polaroid camera, take photos of your shoes and pop them on top of each shoe box.)
@makelifesimpler_ Do you do any of these already? #closet #closetorganization #organization #homeorganization ♬ Don’t I Make It Look Easy – Meghan Trainor
Also read: How to build a capsule wardrobe
4. Underutilising vertical space
Make every nook and cranny of your wardrobe count by investing in stackable baskets or hanging vertical shelves designed specifically for wardrobe organising. This will ensure that all your items are visible and easily accessible, so nothing gets stashed at the back of the wardrobe, never to see the light of day.
@organisedbylucy Utilise vertical space in your wardrobe to organise those more difficult to store items 👙 #organizedhomeorganizedmind #organisationtipsandtricks #declutteringtips #organisingtiktok #organisingtiktok #drawerorganizer #professionalorganiser #bikinistorage #wardrobeessentials #wardrobeorganisation ♬ GOOD VIBES – Ellen Once Again
Also read: 4 handy tips to keep your closet organised
5. Ignoring fabric type
Different types of fabric have different requirements. T-shirts, jeans, sweaters, gym clothes and sweatpants are generally fine for folding, but more delicate fabrics like silk, evening wear and coats, and more structured items like a crisp, white button-up work shirt, should be hung up to prevent creasing.
@smallspacebiglife Space-saving tips for folding clothing. #smallcloset #smallclosetmakeover #organizedclosetcheck #howtoorganizehome #smallspaceliving #savespace💞 #foldingclothes #foldinghacks #folding101 ♬ [Chill] Lo-Fi HipHop(856705) – Yu Yaguchi
Words: Robyn MacLarty
Image: Shutterstock