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Best-kept Skincare Secrets

There’s no better way to achieve beautiful, radiant skin than by using elements from nature. And charcoal and clay may seem like things better suited for the braai or kid’s corner, but they’re actually some of the best-kept skincare secrets

What is it?
Commonly used as an absorbent in cases of poisoning or drug overdoses, the fine and odourless powder has become a cosmetic wonder. The main purpose of activated charcoal, produced by exposing sources such as wood or coconut shells to heat much greater than what forms normal charcoal, is to prevent toxins in the body from being absorbed into the stomach. The charcoal binds with the toxins and your body then discards this waste. What makes it so powerful is the activation process. According to Medical News Today, this process ‘strips the charcoal of previously absorbed molecules and frees up bonding sites again’. It is also filled with microscopic pores that create a network of holes in the substance just waiting to absorb all the nasties. When applied to the skin, it sucks up impurities from pores, reduces inflammation, and exfoliates and sooths irritated skin. It also helps to balance out oily skin, as it absorbs excess sebum (apply a hydrating treatment after!).
If you have very dry skin and also suffer from acne or imperfections, it might be best to take it in capsule form, which purifies the body from within, removing sources that cause inflammation and dehydration.

Best for…
A good detox, internally and externally. It works on all skin types, but could dry out sensitive or dehydrated skin.

The perks
• Draws microparticles such as bacteria and chemicals to the skin’s surface.
• Eliminates bacterial and fungal elements in the mouth; freshens breath when used in a toothpaste or mouthwash.
• When ingested, it treats diarrhoea, gas, inflammation and symptoms of a hangover.

Try it out
Kiss Hydro Gel Mask Pore Minimising & Purifying Charcoal Powder R121.00

What is it?
Another group of clays with absorbent properties, expanding when wet. With a fine texture and large surface area, these clays form thin layers with loosely bound ions, able to trap organic matter in-between. This group includes french green clay, red clay and rhassoul.

Best for…
Normal and oily skin types.

The perks
• Astringent effect, able to temporarily diminish the appearance of pores.
• Absorbing and cleans the skin.

What is it?
A mineral-rich clay that is negatively charged and works as a magnet to attract positively charged toxins in your skin.

Best for…
All skin types, but especially suitable for sensitive skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

The perks
• Works as great on hair as it does on skin, effectively removing build-up, dandruff and excess oil. It has a soap-like molecular structure and mild abrasive texture, which is perfect for cleaning and exfoliating.
• It also soothes and calms irritated and inflamed skin, to soften cracked and textured patches without being too rough, and extracts stubborn sebum from deep within pores in order to prevent future blackheads and closed comedones from forming.

For more beauty and skincare tips, page through the March issue of Fitlife.