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8 Easy Ways To Stop Overeating

Snacking is an essential part of life and a great way to get in extra nutrients. But if done wrong – which, let’s face it, most of us do – you can quickly get into a habit of overeating.

1. Eat Small Meals, More Regularly

If you usually have a big breakfast and then push through to lunch, try to have a smaller breakfast and a mid-morning snack. Studies have shown that eating more frequently throughout the day could decrease food intake.

2. Know Your Weaknesses

Homing in on what makes your knees weak is crucial. If it’s the 3 pm crash at work that sends you straight into the arms of the vending machine, make sure you’re having a better low-GI lunch and have nuts or fruit on hand for the crash.

3. Try Volumetrics

Remember the Volumetrics Diet from FitLife Issue 23? It’s all about filling up on low-calorie, high-fibre food. Think non-starchy veggies and veggie broth. Eating a large salad or a bowl of broth-based soup before lunch and dinner may be an effective way to prevent overeating.

4. Don’t Cut Out Your Favourite Food

Telling yourself you can never have your favourite stuffed-crust chicken and bacon pizza ever again will make you want it even more. Restrictive eating plans can leave you
feeling deprived and drive you to binge. Focus on giving your body healthy, nutritious food most of the time – thus allowing yourself the freedom to enjoy a treat.

5. Don’t Eat Out Of The Packet Or Box

Use those bowls and plates in your cupboard! This is the real art of portion control. Portion out a single serving size to control the number of calories you eat.

6. Find The Fibre And Protein, Bru

Fibre and protein are powerful weapons. Fibre-packed food such as beans, veg, oats and fruit, as well as protein-rich food such as eggs, yoghurt, fish and chicken, can help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

7. Get Organised

Be prepared when hunger strikes. Keep healthy snacks on hand, pack lunches and keep your fridge stocked with healthy stuff.

8. Break Old Habits

Take the time to identify unhealthy behaviours – and replace them with new, healthy habits – move from the couch to the dining-room table for dinner, for example. These will soon become your new habits.


For more health hacks and tips, page through your November Fitlife.