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Five Strategies to Avoid the Cold and Flu

Dreading the cold and flu season? We have you covered with some proven sniffle-free strategies

Do you feel like you spend the whole winter surrounded by a mountain of tissues, cradling a hot-water bottle like it’s a pot of gold, and popping painkillers like sweets? Catching a cold or the flu seems unavoidable during this sick season, especially when everyone around you is spluttering and splattering. But with a few changes here and there, you can avoid the germs and keep your immune system boosted and fighting fit…

 01. Avoid Junk Food 
In order to build a strong immune system, avoid eating junk food and loads of sugar, as these can decrease immune function. Eating foods high in antioxidants, such as fruit and vegetables, will boost your overall health and up your chances of avoiding a cold, flu or other viruses. Nutrient-dense foods (like sweet potatoes, salmon, berries and leafy greens) strengthen the immune system’s defences. One of the easiest ways to increase your intake of all the good things? Pack it all into a smoothie in the morning. Make one with healthy fats (almond or coconut milk), protein powder, avo, chia seeds and almond butter.

 02. Don’t Miss Out On Sleep 
Sleep is important to the body because it allows the immune system to release proteins called cytokines. When you’ve come down with a bug, your body relies on cytokines to fight inflammation or infection – and missing out on your shut-eye will stunt the production of these essential proteins.  Make sure that you’re getting in seven hours of sleep per night. Power naps of 20 minutes are helpful too – if you’re tired, don’t deny your body the rest it needs.

 03. Eat Your Veggies 
To ensure your immune system is firing on all cylinders, your body needs to run high on nutrients. The best way to receive these nutrients is to get a good supply of veggies daily. Most people tend to think that fruit has more vitamin C than veggies, but in fact, veggies are loaded with this key vitamin, among other powerhouse vitamins. When making a salad, use veggies that are high in vitamins and minerals, like broccoli, spinach, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes.

 04. Get A Flu Shot  
Yes, we know you don’t have lots of free time (and you’re scared of needles), but popping into your local pharmacy for a flu shot is worth the effort. The vaccine is updated annually, depending on the strain of flu doing the rounds, so you need to get a new shot every year. This, along with ticking all the other boxes, should keep you away from the sick bay this winter.

 05. Exercise  
Besides your gains, use this as incentive to drag yourself out of bed and to the gym while it’s cold and rainy: Research has shown that people who exercise more in winter take less time off work, because they get sick less often. Sweating it out on the yoga floor or working your lungs will keep you fighting fit all season long. 

For more tips on avoiding the cold and clu season, page through your April of Fitlife.