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Navigate Through Holiday Indulging 

It’s hard to find a healthy balance during the holidays. These tips and tricks will help you navigate your way through all the holiday indulging. 

Holiday food is glorious, but it can also be the devil in disguise. Several studies show that the average weight gain during the holidays is about 1 kg. This may not sound like a lot, but according to a report in The New England Journal of Medicine, ‘Most people don’t ever lose the weight they put on during the holidays’. Which evidently means that year after year, that 1 kg adds up and before you know it, you’re 5 kg heavier. 

But wait! Unless you are planning on locking yourself away in a windowless room for the entire period, depriving yourself during the jolly season is a bad idea. That’s why we’ve got the pros – registered dietitian Nicola Drabble and personal trainer and Zumba instructor Nadia Gustavo – to give us tips on how to stay healthy and fit while
still enjoying the holiday festivities. 

Have a plan of action. If you have a big lunch date or dinner party later in the day, keep your breakfast healthy and low in calories – don’t blow all your calories in the morning. Be smart and rearrange your calories for the day so that when you do have 10 cheesy sliders for lunch, it won’t be too detrimental. But, never arrive too hungry! Make sure you have something small before you head out – a protein shake, chicken breast or boiled egg will fill the gap and stop you from diving into the snack table. 

Indulge properly. This comes down to when and what. If you want something sugary or fatty, try having it early on, so that you burn it off through the course of the day.  Make sure that most of your plate comprises protein and veg – you’re still indulging, but smartly. ‘For big meals like Christmas lunch, eat more veg and grilled foods, as opposed to fried foods. Get a range of foods rather than loading up on carbs only. Keep healthy snacks with you during the day so that you stay away from unhealthy treats,’ says Nadia.

Improvise. As holiday obligations take over, sticking to your workout routine can feel like mission impossible! But there are ways to make your workout happen, come rain, shine or an inconveniently timed brunch. Here’s another secret to life: The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do. If you have no equipment, improvise using body-weight exercises at home. If you were planning to train a particular body part or skill, but don’t have the time, turn a regular workout into a quick circuit, or switch from standard sets to supersets. Both techniques will elevate your workout and ensure that you’re burning more calories, in less time.

For more, page through your December issue of Fitlife.