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How to keep your kids active this holiday

These budget-friendly activities can be enjoyed almost anywhere and are sure to keep your kids entertained, moving and happy.  

There’s something about the outdoors that is magical for children – they can move more freely than indoors, and their mood is almost always improved by sunny blue skies. They’re little bundles of energy, and that energy needs to flow – they need time for active play every day.  

According to Haley Hartmann, a senior associate at the Goddard School in the US, the benefits of physical activity include helping them to deal with strong emotions and supporting their overall development. When school closes and your kids are home, things can quickly become chaotic.  

You might feel compelled to grab some snacks, put them in front of a screen and call it a day, but the holidays are a key opportunity for them to be more active. Fun outdoor activities are a way to get your kids moving and weaned away from technology.  

Moreover, you can get involved too and enjoy some quality family time. Here are some fun ideas to make this a summer holiday to remember: 

Back to basics  

Sift through old toys or sports kit for something simple like a ball or frisbee, and play a game of catch or practise throwing and fetching. Another option is hopscotch: grab some chalk and draw a hopscotch course down your driveway.  

People walking by will find it hard to resist stepping in… The same goes for jumping rope and hula-hooping. Don’t forget hide-and-seek and tag, classic games you can introduce to your little ones. Or turn up the music and have a dance party (indoors or out!) 

2-for-1 fitness fun  

Draw up a deck of fitness exercise cards on pieces of cardboard, or use a standard deck of playing cards, using each suite to indicate a different exercise – for example, you can use hearts for jumping jacks, diamonds for push-ups, clubs for squats and spades for crunches. Pick a card and then do as many repetitions as the number (for example, a six of hearts would be six jumping jacks). 

Get wet  

On hot summer days, water balloons and water guns provide fantastic, active fun. You can play dodgeball with water balloons or create a game where your kids try not to get wet. This is a fun way for children to be active and stay cool while developing their hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills. 

Get walking  

Nothing is better than getting some fresh air, whether you go hiking on a trail, exploring a forest or strolling around your neighbourhood. Head to a park and let your kids run around to use that built-up energy. If you’re doing errands, walk to your destination (if it’s safe and close enough), or park further away and use a longer route to the entrance. 

The chore game  

We all wanted to be superheroes at some point, right? Have your children ‘save’ their toys from ‘floor lava’ by competing to put them away and tidy up their rooms. If they’re not in the mood for role playing, let them help you with house or garden/yard work. They can get as dirty as they want while having fun, moving and being useful. 

If you have to use technology…  

There are hundreds of apps that can help your family get moving. Look on YouTube for kid-friendly workouts, use social network-style apps like MapMyRun or – a classic – find the Pokémon in your area using Pokémon Go. This way you combine the best of both worlds.  

After a long school year, the holidays are an exciting time for children – and families – to step back and unwind. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, don’t forget to relax. Whether this looks like watching movies with your kids or reading or colouring in, allow for some chill time – you also deserve some effortless relaxing after a long year. 


Words by: Leah Dennis 

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