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Are you self-sabotaging?

Are you standing in your own way by making your job harder than it needs to be? Find out how you can ditch those self-sabotaging tendencies.

Many working individuals find themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to their job. Perhaps you wish that time could stand still for just a second so that you can tick everything off of your schedule. Or maybe you’re not satisfied with something specific, be it your wage or how things are done in the office. And then there’s always some of us who feel as if we haven’t reached the success we’ve set out for ourselves. The time has come for you to take a long, hard look at yourself and realise how you are making your job harder than necessary. Because sometimes, all that’s needed to resolve the problem is some self-reflection, and less self-sabotaging.


You’re disorganised

This can be with regard to both your tasks and your space. Firstly, having projects mangled up with no plan on how you’ll execute them causes unnecessary stress and missed deadlines. Set up a to-do list, with tasks arranged from most important and urgent to least important. Ensure you stick to it, and try your best to tick them all off by the end of the day. Secondly, your workspace and desktop shouldn’t look as if it’s been hit by a hurricane. If you’re spending precious time searching through stacks of files on your desk or through the disorganised documents on your desktop, it’s time to make a change. Maintaining an organised space will also make you feel as though your mind is organised. You’ll end up feeling more on top of things, and you’ll probably get more done too.


You struggle to deal with tough tasks

And while we’re on the topic of making a daily to-do list for yourself, have you noticed that you put the more difficult tasks on the back burner? Whether you’ve moved it to the bottom of your schedule or you simply procrastinate once it’s time to start working on it, not grabbing the bull by the horns in this case can cause more trouble than needs be, such as piled-up tasks and decreased productivity levels. Make an effort to work on these tough tasks earlier until they are finished. Having them out of the way will be such a relief, and it will give you the opportunity to place all of your attention on the remaining and easier tasks.


You are a pro at multitasking

Another benefit of setting up a schedule for yourself is that you’ll end up not having to multitask. And sure, there are some who believe that multitasking works for them and that they even thrive on it. But the truth is, it’s not an efficient method of getting things done. Prioritising and dedicating time to each task separately will ultimately ensure better results, and won’t leave you in a tizz as a result of having to juggle them all.


You’re a people-pleaser

The need for your colleagues’ approval and wanting to constantly impress them will have you saying ‘yes’ when the answer should clearly be ‘no’. The same is true if you want to avoid conflict at all cost. You’ll end up with way too much on your plate, and the tasks will simply keep on piling up. Feeling overwhelmed is inevitable if you are an avid people-pleaser. Start considering what you can and can’t manage to do, and don’t make your job harder only for the sake of making your colleagues happy. Politely declining doesn’t mean you’re disrespectful, and your colleagues will most likely understand if you explain to them why you won’t be able to say ‘yes’ this time around.


You’re your own worst critic

It’s not always a bad thing to be a perfectionist when it comes to your own work. You’ll likely hand in excellent tasks. But it does become a problem when you’re constantly doubting yourself and your work. It can make each day an uphill battle of constant self-critique and reconsideration as to how you can improve, and the amount of time it takes away is an even bigger drawback. Do your best in every task that you complete, and after that, accept that you are human and move on to the next one. And keep in mind that your employer will most likely inform you if your work is not up to standard, so let them be the judge.


You don’t speak up

You can’t sit around and wait for someone to realise that something is bothering you, because it’s not to say that they ever will. Sometimes the thing that keeps us from achieving success at work and doing our best can easily be resolved by opening up about it. Do you think you deserve a raise or an increase in salary? Do you wish to be tasked with more challenges and growing opportunities? Are you experiencing a negative relationship with a colleague? Whatever the case may be, reach out to the right person and speak about your needs and concerns. Who knows, maybe you’ll reach those job-related milestones sooner than you thought you would by simply asking for it. 


Words: Bianca Muller | Photography: Unsplash