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Behind the scenes with Janez Vermeiren 

He’s a multi-faceted talent and a superdad who’s become synonymous with success in South Africa’s entertainment industry   

With his magnetic charm and gift of the gab, Janez Vermeiren has spent more than two decades on sets, working both in front of and behind the cameras making magic. From his early days as a television presenter on shows like Top Billing, Top Travel and The Man Cave, to previously being the co-founder of The Circle Model Management, and now the executive producer at production company SuperKind.TV and managing director at content creation platform, Janez’s journey embodies the epitome of industry know-how and entrepreneurial finesse. However, the media mogul’s proudest achievement in life is undoubtedly being a devoted husband to Juliana and father to three sons, Vincent, Matisse and Noah. 

A Man of Many Talents 

Janez’s innate ability to connect with audiences may have been what catapulted him to stardom, but as a young boy he actually wanted to become an archaeologist. 

“After receiving an A in History for matric, I was drawn to the idea of archaeology and decided to study in my parents’ home country, Belgium. However, it didn’t take long for reality to set in!” he laughs. “After enduring six months of monotonous lectures, I realised I’d made a colossal mistake. It became abundantly clear that archaeology wasn’t quite as captivating as my childhood hero, Indiana Jones, had led me to believe.” 

Janez went on to study various other professions, like interior design, but when he returned to South Africa in 2000, he ventured into modelling and, eventually, TV presenting. “The media industry has always been a source of excitement for me. I’ve spent much of my adult life on set, since my early 20s, and that invaluable experience ultimately led me to launch my first ventures, The Circle Models and my TV production company,” he explains. “From the outset, I understood that my days as a TV presenter, much like my time in modelling, would have a shelf life. That fuelled my pursuit of opportunities behind the camera in the film and media industry.” 

He reveals that being in front of the camera was always just a stepping stone for him to launch his own production company. “I recognised that in order to fully grasp TV production, I needed to immerse myself in the intricacies of every department on set. What better way to do so than by being the host of a show? This experience allowed me to learn first-hand from various perspectives, paving the way for my entrepreneurial journey in the industry.” 

Janez’s ambition extended beyond the realm of television, leading him to venture into various facets of the entertainment industry, but he admits that when it comes to presenting in future, he would “never say never”. However, “It would have to be an incredible opportunity, perhaps something like hosting an internationally aired travel show, to pique my interest.” 

Building the Future of Media  

Janez has made significant strides in the realm of content creation and production. Serving as the executive producer at SuperKind.TV, he has spearheaded numerous projects that not only entertain but are inspiring and thought-provoking. His passion for storytelling that resonates with audiences has earned him critical acclaim and admiration from peers and viewers alike. 

Now, through his work at, he has built a content crowd-sourcing platform that offers brands an alternative to the traditional way of creating content – a direct line to a network of skilled African creative professionals. The platform has produced top campaigns for the likes of MANCOSA, JET, Plascon and KFC – to name a few. 

“Winning the National Innovation Award for Filmer at the Small Business Awards in 2021 motivated me to continuously seek new ways to optimise inefficiencies within the industry. In fact, I’m on the brink of launching a new app for the film industry that I believe will bring about positive disruption to a system that has remained unchanged for decades. It will either fail completely or be a resounding success. That’s the nature of entrepreneurship and the risks are plenty, but I’m addicted to the rush! So, keep an eye out for updates on that front,” he says. 

“Right now, I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been. Since returning to Cape Town, I’ve launched two successful companies… What makes it even better is that my business partner is a close friend from childhood and we share a similar vision and ethics. This alignment makes growing the businesses in the right way so much easier. Personally, when I’m happy at work, it positively impacts my home life and motivates me to stay fit and healthy.” 

Family man  

Despite his demanding schedule, Janez is grounded by his roles as a husband and father. Balancing the responsibilities of family life with his professional endeavours, he sets an example of dedication and determination for his children and fans alike. His commitment to authenticity and integrity, both on and off screen, has endeared him to audiences, making him not only a celebrity but also a role model. 

“Finding a healthy balance between work, life and family is a constant challenge,” he admits. “It’s all too easy to get caught up in worrying about work and stressing over things that may be out of our control. I can relate to being a worrier myself; it’s just part of who I am. For me, the key to maintaining balance is to prioritise what truly matters most: my family,” he states. 

“I’ve learned that I’m happiest when I’m spending quality time with them, especially when we’re on holiday away from the daily stresses of work. Setting goals, like planning to take my family back to Brazil this year, can be a great motivator. While it requires hard work and dedication to make it happen, having that goal in mind helps keep things in perspective and reminds me of what’s truly important. 

“Ultimately, finding balance is about making conscious choices and taking small steps every day to prioritise both work and family. It’s a journey, and it’s okay to falter along the way. What’s important is recognising when we need to step back, re-evaluate and make adjustments.” 

Janez and Juliana, a Brazilian model, wed in 2016 in a private ceremony. Today, they are raising three boys who are all talented in their own right. “My younger boys are talented little martial artists and I’m a very proud daddy when it comes to their achievements in jiu-jitsu; I spend a lot of time taking them to classes and tournaments,” he gushes. “Recently, my eldest, Matisse, achieved four distinctions in matric and completed his first year of Business Science Finance at UCT. Hearing positive feedback from others about my boys’ manners and behaviour reaffirms that I’m on the right track as a parent.” 

As proud as he is of his family, Janez is no stranger to the ups and downs of life. “It’s been a busy start to the year. November through to March is a very busy time in the film industry… I can’t wait to spend some quality time with them on the beaches of northern Brazil,” he admits. “We also had a horrible armed robbery in January, which traumatised my wife and upset all of our sleeping patterns for a couple of weeks. On a positive note, everyone is healthy and happy, and that’s the most important thing at the end of the day.” 

There is no prescribed manual for life, let alone fatherhood or marriage, but being the man of honour that he is, Janez is steadfast in his philosophy. “I’m not the perfect husband or father. I’m flawed in many ways, but I do strive to be present by giving as much love and support as possible. While work can often feel overwhelming, I do my best to spend quality time with my wife and kids.” 

Learning from the best 

Janez remembers his own upbringing and how much he learned from his parents, which he still carries with him today. “My relationship with both my mother and father has always been very positive. My dad is a remarkable person: soft-spoken, humble and incredibly sensitive. From him, I’ve learned numerous valuable lessons, but perhaps the most profound is his selflessness,” he explains.  

“My father exemplifies generosity and compassion, always willing to go out of his way to help others without seeking recognition or reward. His unwavering kindness and care for those around him serve as a constant source of inspiration for me. If I could emulate even a fraction of the man my dad is, I would consider myself immensely fortunate. His example has shaped me in countless ways, and I strive every day to embody the same level of kindness and generosity that he consistently demonstrates. 

As Janez continues to expand his horizons and push the boundaries of creativity, one thing remains certain: his impact on South Africa’s entertainment industry is undeniable, but his presence in his family’s life is even more invaluable. As he navigates the ever-evolving landscape of media and entertainment, one can only anticipate the ground-breaking achievements that lie ahead for this remarkable talent – and the most exciting adventures his family is yet to embark on across the globe!  

Father’s Day Message

Appreciate your children every day and tell them daily how much you love them and how happy you are that they are yours.

Fast Facts 

Full Name:
Janez Vermeiren 

21 June 1978 


Cape Town

Rapid Fire Q&A 

Favourite Scent:
Bleu de Chanel

Fashion Must-Haves:
I’m simple, so jeans and black T-shirts

Best Dad Hack:
According to my boys, I’m the world’s best storyteller, especially of the scary or funny kind

Favourite Book:
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Favourite Snack:

Most Memorable Family Trip:
Thailand in 2020

If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?

Best Gift You’ve Ever Received:
My kids – and a surprise 40th birthday trip to the Maldives from my wife


Keep up with Janez

Instagram: @janez_vermeiren
Facebook: Janez Vermeiren (official)
X: Janez Vermeiren

Words by: Charndré Emma Kippie 
Photography by: Zhann Solomons
Styling by: Mia-Tess Smith

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