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Razaan Meyer and Imaad Khan on Building A Legacy

Basically the ACE family of Cape Town, Razaan and Imaad (along with their cute daughter Qurrah) have taken social media by storm. We interview the couple on being married young, building a legacy and becoming social media stars. 

Marriage in your early 20s may be a little taboo these days, but ‘it’ couple Razaan Meyer-Khan and Imaad Khan have taken social media by storm with their unbreakable bond. they chat to us about young love and how they find the balance.  

Q: What’s your love story?  

RAZAAN: I was 16 and it was love at first sight… well, for Imaad it was. He had a huge crush on me for the longest time and after two years of not giving up, we started dating.   

We shared the same friendship group for years before anything serious happened. But he is the best decision I’ve ever made in life.  


Q: After five years of marriage, what would you say about tying the knot young?  

RAZAAN: My personal experience has been nothing but the best experience ever – my husband is my friend and confidante. If we weren’t as compatible as we are, I’m sure it might have been different, but we are one another’s best friend and we just love each other and our little girl, Qurrah, so much.   

My husband just enhanced my life. I wouldn’t specifically suggest or promote young marriages, but if it works, it works. Love, respect, communication and trusting one another is key.  



Q: How did content creation become a joint venture?  

IMAAD: It wasn’t necessarily always on the cards for us. I’m in the glass and aluminium business and the content-creator gig was just a side business.   

But I absolutely love creating content with my wife, now. It’s something that she’s passionate about and makes her happy. So, I’m all for supporting her.  


Q: Why are you passionate about social media?  

RAZAAN: Growing up, I always loved taking pictures and dressing up. I started social media very innocently, with no idea that it was something that I could potentially monetise someday.  

I’ve literally grown up in front of the camera, with my mom constantly taking pictures of everything. So, the decision to start posting my experiences online was a natural one. And today I’ve managed to build my platform off authenticity, which is important to me.  

It’s definitely scary sometimes, and people are constantly waiting for something to criticise and judge, but I continue to stay true to myself. However, things do get hectic at times in terms of followers overstepping our boundaries… like showing up at our house!  



Q: You’re a young mother balancing work and family. How do you juggle it all?  

RAZAAN: It’s all with Imaad’s help. He really is my rock and biggest supporter. We’re a strong team and he makes being a mom and wife so easy. 


Q: Why do you think the two of you work so well together?  

IMAAD: We’re both Virgos. Just kidding! We’ve been together for almost 10 years, so we understand one another well. Our visions are almost always the same. She gets me, and I get her. Period.  


Q: Whose idea was it to start making family-related videos, and how do you come up with new content?  

When we started filming family videos and the like, it was not necessarily made to be ‘content’ per se, but just us living our life while capturing it on camera for the memories. 

Everything always comes very naturally because we try not to curate our content in any way. We just want to show people who we really are – and not be pretentious.  




Q: Do you mind sharing a secret or two that’s contributed to your internet success?  

We believe people always gravitate towards realness and feeling as if they know you beyond the limits of a phone screen or social media. So, we keep it real. That’s the road to success, in our opinion, because – in this day and age – one can only pretend for so long — which is probably quite exhausting anyway!  

If you’re reading this and thinking about doing family vlogs, do it light-heartedly. Don’t take it too seriously. And if your kids are not in the mood, do not force them. At the end of the day, just be you, and what’s meant for you will be.  


Q: How do you envision your future?  

RAZAAN: To continuing to love each other and being as happy as we were from the very beginning. We’re just doing our best to grow and become the best versions of ourselves.  

And perhaps another baby? Just one more. But we’ll see. There are no current plans, and if Covid has taught us anything, it’s that we can plan, but God ultimately decides in the end. 



Rapid Fire Q&A  

Favourite memory together:
The day our daughter was born. 

Special couple song: 
‘A Good Night’ by John Legend.  

Shared love language: 
Quality time and acts of service.  

Favourite family outing: 
Spending time at the beach.  

Date night or Netflix ’n chill? 
Netflix ’n chill.  

Couple goals for 2023: 
To have our own clothing business and remain open to embrace any blessings that may come our way.  


Follow Them  



Majestic Mey  



Words by Charndré Emma Kippie
Photography: Supplied