It’s not just about big hair and bright smiles, veteran funnyman Marc Lottering digs a little deeper and shares more about what inspired his well-known characters and why comedy is food for the soul.
It’s Friday. The end of a long, tiring week, and instead of winding down I’m riled up. Why? Because it’s the day that I meet an icon! The sun is out, the birds are tweeting, and I’m completely flustered before I even get to the studio.
Not to worry though, I have about fifteen minutes before our beloved May cover star arrives. With a sip of water, a spritz of perfume, and notes on standby, I calm down. “Just breathe and be normal”, I coach myself through the panic.
Just as I shush my antsy inner monologue, he walks in with a big smile on his face. He has snazzy shades, a stunning tropical print shirt, and a head full of hair that I can only dream of. I am dumbfounded! It’s really Marc Lottering!
Laugh Out Loud
Imagine this: A room of stark white walls – blank, lifeless, and boring. Imagine splatters of vividly bright paint unexpectedly flung upon those stark white walls to create a mesmerising masterpiece – like a Jackson Pollock piece, if you will.
Now hold on to this feeling and let it linger… This is what it’s like to be in the presence of Marc Lottering. Except, instead of colourful paint on blank walls, Marc fills the room with bursts of joy, emitting an infectious, fervent energy. Every gasp, giggle and guffaw affirms everything about the comedian’s profound spirit.
“No, you’re kidding me!” he exclaims when I tell him that my mother’s name is Coleen and her sister is Bronwyn. “Jirre Bronwyn! I must pray for your family,” he jokes as we all laugh, reminiscing about his memorable ‘Coleen the cashier’ skit in From The Cape Flats With Love.
As one of the top stand-up comics in South Africa, Marc’s portrayal of various characters based on Capetonian culture is what sets him apart from the usual suspects. He’s honest and relatable, which is what makes his jokes really hit home. Marc’s brand of comedy is truly unique. He has an unmatched ability to make audiences reel with laughter while at the same time conveying heartfelt messages of hope and belonging.
Speaking fondly of his parents for passing on the ‘funny’ gene, he describes them as “great storytellers” and lovers of a good joke. It was his father’s manner of engaging with others in sermons and conversations that inspired him to entertain others.
“I grew up in Retreat [an area in the south of Cape Town] and my father was the pastor of a Pentecostal church. He was exceptionally charismatic when preaching to the congregation, I must say. I was part of that audience as a young boy in church, and I was totally riveted,” he continues.
But more so, Marc draws his onstage personas from real life: “Every character that you meet onstage in one of my shows is drawn from someone who I knew, or who I know. When it comes to my creative process, I can’t write in any other way. For me, the starting point is always reality, even if it’s messed up.”
In the same way, Marc’s comedy creates a mirror effect for many South Africans and even resonates with international audiences. It’s no wonder he’s won two Fleur du Cap Theatre Awards, a Naledi Award, and gained numerous other nominations along the way.
With almost 30 years in the entertainment industry, no fewer than 17 one-man shows on the stage and two critically acclaimed musicals, the tenacious comedian continues to keep audiences in stitches.
“It’s exhilarating and nerve-racking at the same time. You never know everything. You never stop learning,” he explains. “There is no one single ‘best night’. Here’s the thing: nothing beats a screaming audience, on their feet at the end of a performance, whether it’s for one of my musicals or for a stand-up performance. That kind of response is something you cannot simply buy – those are the nights that are more valuable than gold!”
Living Life To The Fullest
The shoot continues, and he isn’t long in front of the camera before the shenanigans begin – and, naturally, the crew cannot get enough of him. I wondered where his partner, Anwar, was – he was missing out on the fun!
The two would be jetting off in less than three days to take the Uncle Marc stand-up show to The Theatre – Mall of Emirates, and unfortunately, Anwar had to deal with the woes of modern-day plumbing. Marc and Anwar have been happily married for 13 years and the two are definitely #CoupleGoals.
“My relationship with Anwar is very important to me. He has my heart, and we share a vision,” Marc enthuses. “We have been together for 25 years, married for 13. We are still together largely because we have separate bathrooms. I strongly and highly recommend that to people in relationships,” he jokes.
“Anwar and my friends ensure that the good times balance out my mad work schedule.” And when it comes to those “good times”, Marc enjoys simple pleasures. “I love a lekker dinner party followed by drinks at a sexy bar. I’m always open to a night out on the town, and during the day I enjoy visiting the movie house. It’s one of my favourite things to do in my downtime.”
I wondered if Marc was nervous about his upcoming show in Dubai, but he quickly reassured me. “You know, you do get those people in the front row that will talk and pick up their cellphones in the middle of the show. But I call them out! It becomes part of the show,” he enthuses.
“It seems as though many people gravitate toward me, but the converse is also true. For everyone who enjoys what I do, there’s someone else who doesn’t. That’s just the way the world works. I simply try to focus on the love that I get, and sincerely hope that I always manage to spread good vibes and evoke raucous laughter whenever I walk onto the stage.
I really do strive for excellence with every project that I do. It’s crucial, and my audiences take pride in that very aspect of my work.” In between takes, Marc and I chat about his sell-out show Aunty Merle: Things Get Real, the third part of his “musical trilogy” as he puts it.
“I worked alongside the best people in the industry when it comes to choreography, music direction, lighting, set design etc. And we pulled it off with zero understudies and no sponsors,” Marc admits. “The cast received thunderous standing ovations every single night and we had to extend the sell-out season. God is good!” he rejoices.
Marc’s next big project is the film adaptation following his fan-favourite character Aunty Merle, which will be shot on location and available to audiences worldwide. “You know, in South Africa, there’s never a shortage of new material, and the timing could not be better. It should not have happened sooner as I was not quite ready. But now, I’m much more comfortable in my own skin. As Aunty Merle would say: “a person’s nerves are finished”.
The Man, The Myth
Glancing at the tattoos decorating my arm, and that of our edgy stylist Mia, Marc jokes: “I’m going for lunch with a few mates after this and you know what I’m going to tell them? ‘Ny, but that stylist was lekker. That girl is a ses mybru!’”.
We end up ugly laughing at this nod to one of his beloved characters, Smiley the ‘taxi door guard’. A stale stereotype, of course; not all Coloured people with tattoos are gangsters. “I had ‘Aunty Merle’ tattooed on my arm once upon a time before I had it removed. You should have seen the tattoo artist’s face when I gave him the name to stencil. That guy was Googling ‘Aunty Merle’ quickly to see if I was legit hey!
But I told him to just be lekker. He eventually realised who I was and we had a lekker laugh. This is how I want to be remembered when I’m long gone. People absolutely need to instinctively smile when they think about me – and hopefully laugh out loud…
I would hope that while I was here, I made people feel good. Life is hard enough. So, we must be happy and joyful as much as we can.” We look through the shots and smile along with the gleaming grins and funny gestures made in perfect Marc Lottering style – upbeat, full of energy and allows nothing to dim his light.
“My go-to psychological place in times of darkness is the knowledge that there absolutely are good people in this world. This thought keeps me going when the world goes mad. That thought, and tequila, of course!” That sounds about right…
I congratulate him on his success and acknowledge his warmth and humility, Marc sends my mom a voice note via WhatsApp to commemorate the special day, offers me a big warm hug, and my nerves are finally settled.
“What a lovely way to start the weekend, with a bunch of lovely people”, he says. It’s not often you encounter someone with such warmth, wit and wisdom. So when all feels lost: breathe, take a break, and just be lekker man! Marc Lottering wouldn’t have it any other way!

A Quickie With Marc
Style Must-haves: My Sunglass Hut shades
Go-To Hair Product: Paul Mitchell leave-in conditioner (not sponsored)
Favourite Book: Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss
Signature scent: I love a good Jo Malone cologne
Dream Travel Destination: Zanzibar
A Quote You Live By: “Live and let live.”
The Best Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Received: Do not read what the critics have to say about you (Thank You David Kramer!)
Photography Assistant: James Heron
Stylist Assistant: Thuliyani Gxashekahair
Makeup: Stacy-Robin Artistry