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Hope you have big plans for your R100 000, Bawinile Mbeje

Bawinile won big in our monthly Superdraw

June_SuperDrawWinnerHas the reality of winning sunk in yet?
To tell you the truth, it took me a while to believe that this is happening. This is the third call from Club, so it’s sinking in now. I’m so happy I can’t even think straight.

What do you plan on doing with the money?
I haven’t had enough time to think it through yet. But I’ve always wanted to give my kids a good education and send them to university. Now I can do that. It’s just me and them, so this means a lot to them.

What do you enjoy most about Club?
I enjoy seeing the latest fashion, and I appreciate the good advice, especially the legal advice. Of course, the countless benefits of being a Club member are a major bonus!

Do you have a message for other Club readers?
At Club, you’re not just a random customer, you are really valued. I can trust that the promises they made when I joined, they will keep.

How has being a Club member changed your life?
You mean, besides them giving me all this money? I’ve never had this much money at one time in my life. You never think that something like this will happen, and then it does. Besides that, I just value the advice they give me in the magazine. Thank you, Club!