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8 pre-party grooming tips

Special events call for special preparation, and when it comes to grooming, a little effort can go a long way in leaving a lasting impression. 

Whether it’s a wedding, a formal dinner, a big celebration or a business function, taking the time to groom and style yourself well will boost your confidence and help you stand out in the crowd. Here are some boss pre-party tips and tricks to ensure you look and feel your best on the day (or night). 

Plan ahead 

Preparation is key to a successful grooming routine. Plan for and execute your grooming regimen without any last-minute rush. If you fancy trying a new hairstyle or grooming technique, do a test run a few days before. This way, you can adjust if needed and ensure you’re comfortable with the final look. In the days leading up to the event, also make sure you get enough sleep. A well-rested face looks more vibrant and energetic. 

Also read: Up Your Grooming Routine

Don’t forget!  

Moisturise your hands often and use lip balm regularly to keep them soft and smooth. Before the event, consider using a lip scrub or treatment to get rid of chapped, dead skin cells. If you plan on wearing clothing that exposes any part of your body, such as your arms or chest, consider body grooming – trim or shave body hair but be careful not to overdo it. And remember to moisturise afterwards!  

Dental hygiene  

A bright smile can make a world of difference. Consider a professional teeth cleaning with an oral hygienist if you have time before the event. Remember to carry some breath mints or gum in your pocket to keep your breath minty fresh all night.  

Skin care 

A well-groomed appearance starts with healthy skin. Adopt a simple skincare routine if you haven’t already. Cleanse and moisturise your face to keep it looking fresh and rejuvenated. In the week before the event, don’t try new skincare products in case of adverse reactions. 

Haircut and beard trim 

Schedule a haircut at least a week before the event to allow your hair to settle into a more natural shape. If you have a beard, ensure it’s neatly trimmed and shaped to suit your facial features, and pampered with beard oil. Book a session with a barber to get the perfect shave and face treatment. If shaving at home, use a moisturising balm or foam. 

Facial grooming 

Tame those brows if they’re unruly by plucking strays and giving them a brush through with a spoolie, and do a nose hair trim if necessary. Groom your facial hair or stubble so it looks deliberately well-maintained. A clean shave and a splash of aftershave will do the trick.  

Hands and nails 

Your hands and nails are noticed more than you think. Keep your nails trimmed and clean. A simple buff and shine (using a nail buffing tool) can do wonders. And remember to rub in some hand and nail cream so your hands don’t feel like sandpaper – you’ll be meeting loads of new people, which means there’ll be a lot of handshaking. 

A little spritz 

A great cologne leaves a lasting impression. Choose a scent that complements your personality and the occasion. Remember, less is more when it comes to applying cologne, so a spritz on pulse points (wrists and neck) will suffice. During the warmer months, fresh scents with fruity and citrus notes tend to last longer on the skin. Look out for base notes of orange, grapefruit, bergamot and mandarin – these are head-turning! 

Also read: Grooming Routines From A-Z (Literally)

Words: Charndré Emma Kippie

Photography: Gallo/Getty Images, Supplied

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