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Tips for beating summer’s biggest hygiene hurdles 

Worried you can’t handle the heat? 

Ah, summer… Fresh air, warm sun on your skin, socialising, the smell of happiness – and, alas, perhaps a hint of bad BO! It’s enough to ruin the best of moods. For smooth summer sailing, here’s how to target six common hassles. 

Excess perspiration  

You know, those sneaky wet patches that appear in the armpits of your favourite shirt. And what’s cooking with that smell of a certain vegetable? If sweat and body odour are a common occurrence, it’s time to address it.  

Daily showers are a given (and after exercise or activity), but if you find you need a midday refresh, use your laptop bag to stash some wet wipes for a quick wipe down, a roll-on anti-perspirant (a 48-hour variant or one labelled ‘active’ lasts longer) and body spray or EDT (eau de toilette). Drinking water also helps to cool your body down and prevent excess sweating. 

Dry skin and hair  

Sun, surf and sand are the stuff summers are made of. But they’re also the stuff that take the shine out of your skin and hair. Ditch the dullness with products containing moisturising ingredients such as macadamia, argan or coconut oil, honey and/or shea or cocoa butter.  

If the dryness has made its way to your scalp, pick a shampoo that has anti-dandruff properties as well as hydrating ingredients. If you have facial fluff, a beard oil or balm is a hydration hero – but slick it on sparingly to avoid a greasy feel. 

Sun exposure  

’Tis the season of sunshine overload! Obviously, you’ll apply SPF when you know you’ll be spending time out in the sun, but get into the habit of applying SPF even if you’ll be mostly indoors. You’ll be surprised how even a short time in the sun (like when you’re in a vehicle commuting) can affect your skin. Apply SPF to all the areas of exposed skin – face, ears, neck and hands. 

Product overload  

If you can feel the moisturiser on your skin, it’s probably too heavy. When shopping for your summer skincare, go for products that won’t weigh you down. Lightweight body lotion and face cream will absorb into the skin quickly, adding hydration without any oily residue (especially when the sweat starts). Think the same way when it comes to scent – go for a spritz of light and fresh as opposed to rich and spicy. 

Hard heels  

Ditching your winter wardrobe is great, until you see the state of your feet – and especially those heels! Apply a foot cream or an ultra-nourishing body butter at night so it has time to work its magic while you’re sleeping. Your feet will be softer and grease-free when you wake up. Remember that open shoes and walking barefoot exposes your feet to the elements, too, so keep up the maintenance routine. 


Ingrown hairs from shaving can cause a nasty red, swollen patch of skin. Avoid ingrowns by ensuring your razor blades are sharp and your shaving assistants – cream, gel, aftershave – are ready for action. A weekly exfoliation also helps banish ingrown hairs. Give foot fungus the boot by drying feet properly (especially in between your toes), and wear waterproof sandals or flip-flops when using public pools, showers or changing rooms. 

Words by: Shani Tsai
Photography: Gallo/Getty Images, Supplied 

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