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Casein Point

Why you need to take casein if you’re serious about building lean muscle.


Right after a tough
workout, you need a fast-acting protein, such as whey, to deliver essential nutrients to your muscles quickly and initiate the recovery process. But there are other times when you don’t want such a sudden rush of amino acids, and instead need a slow and sustained release to keep your muscles fed – like when you are getting your all-important eight hours of sleep. And that’s when casein is ideal. 


What is casein?
Casein is a type of protein found in milk – it makes up around 80% of the protein content of cow’s milk. Whereas whey protein is rapidly absorbed by your body, making it the perfect fast-delivery protein source, casein is broken down and digested in your stomach much more slowly, over many hours, to give a gradual and sustained release of amino acids into your bloodstream.


Do I need it?

The slow-release digestion of casein makes it the perfect source of protein to take right before bed, because it means your muscles are consistently drip-fed tissue-building amino acids through the night. This ensures that your body has the right fuel in the right quantities when it needs it the most, so you can build more muscle, more efficiently. 


Any other benefits?

Taking it alongside whey may improve your strength gains. A US study found that people consuming whey and casein significantly outperformed others who were given a combo of whey, BCAAs and glutamine. Casein may also help you lose fat: Dutch researchers found that increasing casein raised subjects’ metabolic rate and improved overall fat balance.

4 benefits of casein supplements

Build Muscle mass

It could help you gain more lean mass, increase muscle mass and overall body strength.

Lose weight & burn fat

Individuals who supplement casein generally have a better fat-to-muscle ratio and higher metabolic rate during resting periods.

Look better

Upping your daily protein intake has been shown to help lower your body fat.

Improve physical performaance

Casein can enhance power output, and up muscular strength and endurance.


Photography: Unsplash