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The Pike Roll-Out

What if a plank, push-up and downward dog merged into one move? Add a yoga ball, and you have the pike roll-out!



A pike roll-out is a core-based movement that, when done properly, you get full extension of both your upper and lower abdominals. The real kicker? There’s consistent activation in the ab region because of the instability of the ball. Can you say six-pack?



Step 1

Get into a push-up position, with both shins on the ball and your hands flat on the ground (directly under your shoulders). Your spine should be completely neutral and waist in line with your shoulders.

Step 2

Tilt your pelvis forward to activate your core, then lift your waist by rolling the ball down towards your feet. At this point, your body will be in a pike (or ‘V’ shape). Keep that core tight! The second you stop using your core, your back will start rounding, leading to pain and potential injury.

Step 3

Get your waist as high up as possible. The higher you go, the more your core will need to work.

Step 4

Slowly drop back down and guide the ball with your feet, until your body is parallel with the ground again.


Finding the pike roll-out too hard?

If you’re nervous about falling off the ball, start without it. Get into the push-up position, and then go into downward dog. Once you’ve mastered this, try doing the same thing with your feet on a bench or a box. This is how you’ll get yourself ready for the ball.


Words: Ray Toefy | Photography: Unsplash

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