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Beat The Bloat

Prepare your tummy for the aftermath of all the indulgence this month…

When the holiday mood kicks in, it’s hard to resist multi-course dinners with a glass of bubbly (or three), all the sweet treats, and afternoon naps (aka self-induced food comas). Don’t get us wrong, we’d never suggest you miss out on these good things. It’s normal to let your hair down a little during holiday festivities. However, when you’re having more rich food and alcohol than normal, and doing less (or no) exercise, you’re likely to feel bloated and sluggish. Not exactly fun. Use these tricks to prevent and treat that bloat, so you can get back to living your best life.

Pre-party snack

Heading to a holiday party? Have a healthy snack before you go. This way, you won’t arrive starving, which will allow you to be rational about food choices and help you practise portion control.


Nature’s medicine

Peppermint oil is a natural remedy offering relief from bloating, flatulence and stomach gas. Dilute one drop of peppermint oil with a carrier oil (try almond oil or jojoba) and massage it on to your abdomen. A cup of peppermint-leaf tea should help, too. Just ensure it’s not a caffeinated, mint-flavoured tea – you want the actual leaves. 

Go with the (yoga) flow

Daily yoga is great to help improve digestion. If you need a quick fix, though, try these poses to relieve wind: cat-cow, happy baby and Pawanmuktasana (literally translated as ‘wind-relieving pose’). No equipment needed

Sip up

Drink lemon water if you’re feeling bloated. It is a natural diuretic, which helps treat a bloated tummy. Squeeze the juice of half a fresh lemon into a glass of water, and voila!


Seated twist

Begin by sitting on the floor and extending your legs out in front of you. Cross your left leg over your right to place your left foot flat on the floor next to the outer edge of your right thigh. Breathe in and extend your arms above your head. As you breathe out, twist your torso to the left. Hook your right elbow around your left knee, and place your left hand on the floor behind you. Hold for 10 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Words by  Ulisha Moodley
Photography: Freepik

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