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Fight the flu with these holistic remedies

We’ve reached that time of year when colds and flu run rampant. And it’s often all too easy to reach for an immune-boosting effervescent to prevent the onset of sniffing and sneezing or to load up on fever-zapping tablets once it sets in, but you don’t need to resort to costly pharmaceuticals to ease the effects of these seasonal sicknesses. Here are some simple, cost-effective ways to keep the sniffles at bay. 



You may feel tougher by soldiering on and going into the office, but continuing to work while sick can be harmful to yourself and the people around you. Doctors prescribe bed rest for a reason: Your body is using all its energy to fight the sickness and repair the body at a cellular level, so moving around or being under any stress isn’t going to help its cause. Flu can even turn into viral or bacterial pneumonia, both of which are life-threatening. When you notice the first symptoms, take time off immediately and try to do as little as possible to shorten your recovery time. And remember, never exercise while sick! 



Water is your best friend at this time as it helps to thin the mucous in the body, so drink up. Another way of increasing your fluid intake is to sip on an immune-boosting concoction of fresh ginger, honey, garlic, cayenne pepper and lemon steeped in freshly boiled water. Good old chicken soup (made from an authentic stock with fresh vegetables and herbs) is also a winner – aside from it being packed with nutrients, the hot liquid also helps to break fever and reduce congestion. 



If you’re struggling to breathe due to a blocked nose, eucalyptus oil is a wonderful natural decongestant. To open up the nasal passages effectively, add a few drops to a bowl of hot water and, with a towel covering your head, inhale the steam. The oil can also be added to a base carrier oil such as sweet almond oil and applied as a chest rub for further relief. The medicinal herb echinacea is extremely effective at fighting flu, as it stimulates the body to produce and strengthen white blood cells. Add 15–20 drops of echinacea extract to a small amount of water and drink three times a day. 


 Words: Emma Follett-Botha | Photography: Unsplash