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Relationship personality quiz

Needy and clingy, lone wolf or well balanced… What’s your relationship personality?

Blog_LoveLifeMay20151. My partner and I enjoy having separate
hobbies and interests that we like to pursue on our own.

a) I’m not really that interested in what they’re into

b) Of course, but we still like to do a lot of things together

c) We like all the same stuff and we’re rarely apart

2. My partner is planning on going away
on an impromptu trip with the boys for the whole weekend.

a) Great stuff! Finally I have some time for myself

b) I’ll see what the girls are up to. Maybe we can go for a long lunch

c) What am I going to do with myself for two long days?

3. While he’s away, you…

a) Hardly think about him at all

b) Text him a few times to check in

c) Can’t stop worrying that he’s up to something he shouldn’t be

4. You and your partner are at a party. 
The two of you…

a) Arrive and leave together, but you socialise separately

b) Work the room together

c) Hang out with each other and only with each other

5. Your perfect date is…

a) Going out in a group

b) Doing anything fun that you can both enjoy

c) Doesn’t really matter what we do, as long as we’re together

6. How would you describe yourself?

a) Fiercely independent

b) Sociable

c) A bit insecure

Mostly As

Are you sure you want to be in a relationship? Because you seem to love spending time with yourself more than you do with your partner. Not that alone-time is a bad thing, but for a relationship to work, you must actually be in the same room together for more than five minutes. Of course, if your desire to go it alone doesn’t have a negative impact on your relationship, who are we to judge? Just make sure that you and your partner are on the same page.

Mostly Bs

Well done! You seem to have found just the right balance between your relationship with yourself and your relationship with your partner. And that’s crucial to long-term happiness and ensuring the success of your relationships. Keep up the good work.

Mostly Cs

It’s difficult to see where you begin and your partner ends. Yes, you’re in love and want to spend as much time together as possible, but it isn’t healthy to shut out everyone else around you and fix all your attention on only one person. It may not be an issue in the beginning of a relationship, but eventually you could run the risk of smothering your partner, and
doing that, pushing him or her away.