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Achieve Your 2019 Goals

Remember all the goals you set to make 2019 your year? Well, it’s time to get back on track with simple solutions for staying accountable

1. Write it down
It may be a cliché, but it works! Whether it’s a handwritten list you hang up by your desk or a Google Docs checklist, writing down your goals and keeping them nearby is the best way to keep reminding yourself.

2. Look it up
Don’t be afraid to do a little research on your particular goal and find ways to achieve it. Whether it’s saving money, building healthy eating habits or even trying to read more, there’s no harm in gaining more knowledge and seeing how others have gone about similar tasks and then applying it to yourself. Just remember, it’s all about finding what works for you.

3. Get APPy
No, we’re not talking about Instagram. Get yourself a goal-tracking app (we love HabitHub) or one specifically catered to your needs, whether it’s a fitness tracker, calorie counter, or something to help you complete tasks or break some daily habits.

4. Prep work
One of the easiest ways to make sure you reach your goals is to be prepared. For example, pack your gym bag the night before so you have no excuse not to grab-and-go in the morning and make those healthy habits stick!

5. Start small
While there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big (go for it) it’s also important to set some small, easily achievable goals for yourself so that you can work your way up to bigger things. If you’ve been aiming to save a certain amount of money, start small and work your way up without breaking your budget.