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Tips To Get Your Kids To Fall In Love With Reading

Books can transport you into a world of fantasy and adventure. It makes you laugh, cry and feel all the other emotions under the sun. But for kids, reading for pleasure can often feel like a chore.  

“We want to get kids reading, but they are under increasing pressure to do so, and it can overshadow the joy of this wonderful shared activity,” says professor Nancy Carlsson-Paige. According to her, parents shouldn’t be the ones reinforcing reading lessons, they should keep it fun and simple so that they would want to read more. 

If you love books as much as we do, here are simple tips to get your kids just as excited about reading. 

Make books visible around the house 

“Surrounding kids with books at an early age will get them hooked,” says child developing expert Alice Sterling Honig. We all have that one bookshelf in the house where interesting books go to collect dust, never to be touched again. Get creative with introducing books to your kids and keep them visible and accessible at all times. The books will pique your kids’ interest if they constantly see them. Leave them on their bedside table, in the play area or even on the floor of your car.  

Create a fun reading nook 

Does your little one have space of their own to enjoy reading? No? Then create a nook for them to be left alone and get lost in the pages. Dedicate the space to just them and their books. Choose a theme and decorate it accordingly – Dr Seuss is always a hit. Make it cosy with a blanket and pillows and make their space somewhere they want to hang out. To get them even more excited, involve them in the decorating! 


Read the book first then watch the movie 

Who knew movies have the power to encourage kids to read more? Choose popular movies based on books as a starting point. “It’s a great way to motivate reluctant readers,” says grade-school teacher Katie Vaccaro. Use movies as incentives for your little bookworm to finish the book and to look forward to the reward. Go big and make a family movie night with themed snacks and costumes. The Lion King and the Harry Potter series are a few great starting points. 

Make library visits fun 

Library visits should make your kids excited. Find out about the activities and events your local library is hosting and take your little ones. “Even if you take your children for, say, a building project, they’re going to associate the library with fun, and that’s a good thing,” says reading specialist Christina Droskoski. Get them a library card and expose them to a wide variety of books they may not have known about.