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4 networking tips for introverts

For introverts, a room full of strangers can seem daunting. But you don’t only have to be an extrovert to thrive at networking. Use these helpful tips to ace any networking event. 

1. Set (achievable) goals 

Ask yourself why you are attending the networking event. Is it to expand your career or build confidence? Setting specific goals will give you a clear direction on how you want to work the room. If you want a new career opportunity, make it your goal to find and talk to someone in a similar position. Boost your confidence by striking up a conversation with at least two people. Remember to keep your list of goals realistic, so that you can confidently check. 

2. Arrive early 

Stefan Thomas, author of Networking for Dummies says, “Get to the event early so you’re one of the first people there.” Getting to an event early lets you ease in a lot more comfortably than when you arrive to a packed event and need to dive right in. “It is more intimidating to walk in later when conversations and groups have already formed and you find yourself having to break into them,” he adds. 

Also read: Debunking career myths 

3. Start a conversation 

Muster up the courage and start the conversation. It’s better than awkwardly waiting for someone to start speaking to you. Questions like “Is this your first time attending an event like this?” or “What session have you enjoyed so far” are simple (yet effective) conversation starters that can quickly morph into other talking points. Just remember to avoid politics and religion; the other person might be just as shy as you and will be grateful that you approached them.  

4. Pay attention to names (and how to pronounce them)  

Did you know that our brains light up when hearing our names? That’s why remembering peoples’ names and pronouncing them correctly will leave positive lasting impressions of you. Try handy tricks like repeating their names back to them when introduced. Find ways to work their names into the conversation as a trick to remember their names. At the end of the day, reflect on everyone you’ve met. You’ll confidently greet your new-found acquaintances when you run into them at the next event.  


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Also read: Dealing with a younger boss 

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