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4 tips to spruce up your decor for summer

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! We are so ready for summer, but what about your home? With a few tweaks here and there, your home can be cool, fresh and summer ready. 

1. Add some greenery 

Breathe the fresh new season into your home by incorporating plants into your décor. “One of my favourite ways to welcome a new season is to update accessories and bring in fresh, seasonal greenery,” says interior designer Heather Fujikawa. Find clever ways to add touches of greenery to your home. Start an indoor herb garden to spice up your kitchen, add a small potted tree to your living room or create a succulent centrepiece for your bedroom nightstand. Plus, fresh plants add a pleasant scent to your home. How to make a cute lil kitchen herb garden! #diyplants #herbgarden #plantmom #orangecounty #freshherbs #fypdiy #diyproject ♬ Up Beat (Married Life) – Kenyi

2. Decorate with natural, earthy tones 

Warm tones and plush fabrics make for cosying up during the colder months. Replace winter’s dark hues with light, earthy and fresh tones and textures. Don’t worry, you don’t have to break the bank for new furniture. You can make seasonal updates by swapping out scatter cushion covers, blankets and even inexpensive art pieces. 

Also read: Create a beautiful haven with neutral decor

3. Incorporate summer tastes and smells  

It may seem simple, but filling a bowl with yellow citrus for decoration will instantly brighten a room. And not only does it look good, but it also smells amazing! Fruit, paired with fresh scented candles and diffusers, will have you basking in summer scents of lemongrass, mandarin and bergamot scents all season long. 

4. Make practical items a decor feature 

Summer is the season of al fresco dining and lazy picnics on the grass. Why not double up that cute wicker basket as indoor decor? Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it’s also a stylish storage space for that handy clutter that you still need. Or create a ‘beach-day nook’ by hanging your trendy material tote bag below your sun hat. It gives you a feel of summer and is handy to grab on your way to a sun-and-fun-filled afternoon out.  

Also read: Decor tips for the holidays

Photography: Pexels

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