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Your 5-step guide to clutter-free cupboards

’Tis the season for house cleaning! A good wardrobe de-clutter is a great way to ditch unwanted stuff that you don’t use, while freeing up more space for new items. Here are five steps to making that happen. 

1. Start small 

Tackling the most daunting cupboard first might make you run out of steam. Try one of the small kitchen drawers and work up from there. Once you’re in the cleaning frame of mind, you’ll feel inspired to go bigger and tackle the bedroom wardrobe. Blogger Jodi Dunn (My Messy Life) says to go “drawer by drawer, shelf by shelf,” until the whole cabinet is reorganised. 

Also read: 3 Areas to clean before your holiday guests arrive 

2. Set clothing aside for the needy   

Keeping a pile of unwanted clothes aside will not only make your house seem cleaner, but you’ll be also giving someone an item of clothing that they might desperately need, while preventing clothing going to landfill. TFG encourages customers in its efforts to “help clothing last longer, reduce waste and contribute to a circular economy mindset”. 

3. Organise items to stay minimalistic 

Once you’ve de-cluttered, the best way to stay organised is to section your wardrobe by type of clothing. This will save you valuable time every day,” says @burnett_georgina (The Home Genie) on Instagram. And ask yourself, “Do you need all your clothes?” she advises. 


4. Don’t forget to scrub-a-dub 

It’s one thing to de-clutter, but before you add new stuff and while they’re empty, it’s the perfect time to sanitise your cupboards. This is most important in the kitchen and bathroom, where bacteria loves to grow. Melissa Hollobaugh of says it’s best to use soap and water for these areas. “If there are any stubborn stains, you can try mild dish soap. Be sure to rinse the cabinets and drawers thoroughly with water when you are finished.” Bicarbonate of soda is great for deep cleaning and deodorising, she adds.  

5. Add extra shelves to maximise storage space 

Chaos can occur when you’re turning your cupboards upside down. Adding a few extra shelves helps to organise items and prevents having to pile them on top of each other. Things are far easier to find that way. Elizabeth Rishel of DIY Home & Garden has some great Instagram home hacks to build wire shelf covers and get better organised.  



Words: Jim Hislop

Image: Pexels