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2017’s Spring Colour Palette

This just in: Spring 2017 has an official colour palette! We’ve done our research and it seems that there are four specific shades that are being favoured this year by designers and make-up enthusiasts. So far, this year has been about illumination and eye-popping splashes of colour, so why should the warmer months be any different? Take a look below at 2017’s Spring colour palette. However you decide to incorporate them, into your personal style, it won’t matter – as long as you wear the trend confidently!


red lipstick


Now this shade may a dramatic choice for your everyday make-up look, but wearing flashy fashion staples in the bright shade will serve you well.



This is such a versatile shade! We love it to bits. Aqua is a vivid eyeshadow shade and should give off amazing pigment quality. And why not splurge on those shiny, water-inspired heels you’ve been eyeing? Go for it!



Yes. Citrus hues are still trending and tangerine is the favoured shade. Pop your pout or bronze those cheeks before stepping out to town at night, or give yourself a youthful glow for the beach. Orange kimonos will also be quite trendy and these will pair well with blue jeans and some jewelled sandals.


home exercises


Pink is for everyone these days – not just the lovely ladies. From shirts to ball gowns, this feminine shade goes a long way. You could even incorporate it into your Spring interior decor ideas for your home!