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5 Habits Of A Well-groomed Man

It takes more than just a monthly visit to the barber and dressing sharp to look fresh. From shaping your beard to a simple skincare routine, we share five tips to take your grooming to the next level.

1. Learn how to shape your beard like your barber

The one-size-fits-all approach does not work with a beard. Although one setting for your whole beard does the job, styling your beard to suit your face better will elevate your look. Invest in a proper razor and beard trimmer. Use different settings and guards around the moustache, cheeks and sides to add some contrast. Remember to frequently swap out your razor cartridge to avoid razor burn and prevent the accumulation of bacteria and dead skin cells.

2. Trim eyebrows and nose hairs

Don’t know where to start? No worries. There are professionals to help you out. Visit your beloved barber shop to shape your eyebrows and get them waxed, threaded and plucked. If this sounds too painful, try a more straightforward approach. Brush your eyebrow hair up and trim them with scissors. Well-shaped eyebrows will open your face and instantly give you a more polished look. The same goes for your nose hairs. There are lots of different nose hair trimmers on the market if waxing is not for you.

3. Hand and nail care is key

Your hands are one of the first things people notice about you. Keep your hands moisturised and your nails short and clean – nothing is appealing about long, dirty fingernails. Why don’t you try a monthly manicure? And no, gents – we’re not talking about French tips. Have your nails buffed, shaped and polished. A little TLC on your hands goes a long way.

4. A simple night-time skincare routine

You don’t need a 12-step beauty regimen for a clear and even skin tone. Did you know that your body’s cells regenerate faster when you sleep? Take advantage of this and prep your skin in the evening with a simple overnight skincare routine. Cleanse, tone and moisturise your face in the evenings. Add a mask once a month and you’ll have glowing skin in no time.

5. Make everyday a good hair day

While shampooing your hair is crucial, it’s the conditioner that’ll keep it moisturised. If you shampoo your hair too often, you’ll flush away your hair’s natural oils, leaving the hair strands and scalp dry. Try skipping a shampoo and washing your hair every second day instead. On wash days, apply a moisturising conditioner, and leave it on for as long as indicated on the instructions and then rinse. Adding conditioner to your haircare routine will leave you with healthy, hydrated hair.

Photography: Shutterstock