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The Buzzcut Movement

If you’ve ever considered shaving your head, you’ve come to the right place. ClubX is here to give you the low-down on the buzzcut movement, along with some helpful tips!


The Standard
‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ – a phrase you’ve no doubt heard, may have used, and may see the value in yourself. That being said, it is still  a phrase that’s quite hard to believe sometimes because when you look at the world around you (especially the virtual world) it just doesn’t seem to be true. In fact, the world seems to teach us the opposite. 


Time for a quick  thought experiment:
When I use the phrase ‘beautiful woman’, what do you see? More than that, if I extend it to say ‘beautiful woman in a perfume ad’, what do you see then?  Unfortunately, what’s conjured for many is a very specific archetype; a set of markers that we’ve been culturally trained to accept as perfect beauty. See, the woman in your mind’s eye is probably not an off-beat kind of beautiful. She’s a static image brought together by a certain set of characteristics – a slender frame, hour-glass figure, with piercing eyes and gorgeous locks of beautiful hair. She is the female beauty standard, and the above-mentioned traits are her necessary components. And, furthermore, as much as what’s been done in terms of making beauty more inclusive over the past few years, this standard still reigns supreme. 


More Than Just Hair 
The poet Allen Ginsberg once said, ‘Things are symbols of themselves.’ And I’d argue that when it comes to a woman having long, beautiful locks, that has never been truer. In our society, hair functions as more than just hair, more than even aesthetics; it’s a symbol of her prescribed place in the world. Many radical feminists of the new age agree, and argue that female beauty, as it has been designed, has been an oppressive standard to live up to, and has been designed by those who wish to keep women at bay in order to achieve just that.  That, in part, is why many women are now choosing to  rid themselves of their hair, to embrace the buzzcut, as a symbol of their freedom, their right to agency, and their right to be free of the beauty standard. The above is just one of the many reasons you could have for wanting to get rid of your locks. In fact, your motivations could be entirely different. Maybe your curiosity about what it would be like isn’t political at all – maybe you just want to shake things up a little bit.  Whatever your reasoning, here’s some advice on how to carry short hair with confidence: 


Consider your wardrobe
Remember that shaving your head could distinctly affect the proportions of any given outfit. You may even find that certain old-faithfuls simply don’t look as good on you anymore. This is something that has caught many a freshly shaven head off guard. So, be aware that certain slight wardrobe changes may have to come into play to keep you feeling as confident and poised as you did before. 


Consider make-up
Again this is due to the issue of proportions. After you’ve shaven your head, or even if you’ve just gone for a shorter cut, you may find that the way you do your make-up isn’t working anymore. It may mean contouring your forehead differently, changing up your eyeshadow looks, or even grooming your brows differently. But no need to be daunted. Play around and you’ll find the answer. 


Consider haircare
With going the short route, there will be more upkeep needed to maintain your new hairdo. The shorter the hair, the more you will have to have it done. Also, remember that scalp care will become more important. So, wash your hair more often, with a product containing ingredients that suit the needs of your scalp. Lastly, always remember that how you wear your hair is up to you. Short or long, voluminous
or slick, it’s your body and your choice. So, wear it with pride! 


Words by Arlin bantam
Photography: Courtesy Images

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