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Ruth Mthembu On Beauty And Her Career

We get to know the kind force of communication, Ruth Mthembu.


Who is Ruth Mthembu? 
I am the 29-year-old, Durban-based product of a Zulu and Zambian collision. I am an avid reader and just a few fries short of a happy meal. It’s worth mentioning my dependence on coffee, it’s part of my lifestyle!

Tell us a bit about your career journey? 
I completed my LLB (law) degree at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, but didn’t go on to be a lawyer. Instead, I pursued marketing as a marketing and fundraising assistant at a local children’s home.  I later became a marketing manager, and shortly after, the head of fundraising. In pursuing growth, I seized the opportunity of working at a leading environmental trust which further ignited my passion for people and the environment. My portfolio largely consisted of strategic communication around ocean protection, awareness campaigns and speaking engagements. After my jump to corporate, my role as an internal communications specialist has my skills focused around communicating strategically to a team of 19 500 people. 

If you weren’t in your current field, what would you want to be?
I would probably want to be a legislator – this is how change happens, where the important conversations happen.

How does beauty, radiance and overall wellness fit into your life?
It all comes together when I am content with myself – at peace with who I am. Contentment to me means I accept my body in all its stages, because regardless of how I look, if I am content, I feel like I can take on the world. This overflows into my professional life as well – knowing that I am not competing with anybody, but rather working at a pace that I know I can be proud of. Whether I have loads of cellulite, or wake up feeling really moody, being content with who I am means I still radiate inward and outward beauty, and it also means my mind is free from anxiety and stress.

What does a typical day at work look like?
If I am not filming and editing company content, then I am putting together stories to share within the company – stories that are strategic, which speak to the direction that the company is taking. Whether it’s about new policies, or celebrating the achievements of the different departments, I am constantly finding innovative ways to share, listen and incite change. 

How do you define beauty?
Unshakeable values, passion for life and people, a kind and respectful heart, a stunning smile to match.

Top skincare advice?
Lots of water and a fair amount of exercise are a great foundation for healthy skin. A teaspoon of collagen powder in your coffee or tea every day paired with staying out of people’s business goes a long way too! 

Tell us a little bit about your go-to make-up look?
Less is more. Whether I am wearing makeup or not, I always make sure I have mascara on. It lifts my face by accentuating my eyes – it’s really all in the eyes, and that is my focus area. To elevate that, a shimmery eyeshadow and liquid eyeliner does wonders.

Which essentials are always in your bag?
Lip balm, my trusty travel mug, my charger and wet wipes.

What’s next for you, Ruth?
Enjoying life – every single second of it. If there’s one thing this pandemic taught me, it’s that while it may be great to plan ahead, it’s so important to not lose sight of what you have and are doing now. For my sanity’s sake, finding joy in each day will always be my ‘next’.

A few parting words of wisdom?
If you want to pursue a career in communications, remember that it is not about how well you speak, it is about how well you listen. Learn to listen well, which will help you to understand better, and that will ultimately help you communicate effectively. 

Words by Stefanie Titus
Photography: Mnqobi Zuma

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