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TikTok Beauty Trends

While the clock is ticking on some of TikTok’s beauty fads, we don’t mind if others become a permanent resident in trend city


1. Orange is the new black
The colour orange has been a big trend on TikTok, both in fashion and beauty. We love a statement look, which is why we wouldn’t mind if this trend stayed a while longer. Anyone can pull it off – simply make sure to pick a hue that matches your skin tone well. Whether it’s eyeshadow, blush or lipstick, orange deserves a space in your make-up bag.


2. Soap brows
We’ve seen it all now: thin brows, bushy brows… But one eyebrow trend that the world can’t seem to get enough of is soap brows. It remains one of the most popular TikTok beauty trends and it is easy to see why. There’s no need to spend money on expensive brow gels that will hold things in place for a limited time. Using soap (preferably unscented and glycerine-based) gives a brushed-up and fuller look that lasts.


3. Glossy lips
Matte lipsticks have been stylish for so long, but we’re happy to make way for the glossy lip trend that can be seen all over TikTok and other social media platforms. Gone are the days when lip gloss was perceived as something best suited for little kids. Chuck that thought out the door because luscious, glossy and moisturised lips are so in right now! 


4. Cat eye
We can’t stop and we won’t stop adoring the famous cat eye. It has been around for ages, and it has surely stood the test of time. It has the ability to make any look stand out – and what a bonus that it looks great whether you’re going for something more casual or formal. We just wish we had a steady hand for our cat eye to come out as perfect as those influencers on TikTok. Cousins, not sisters, right?


5. Faux freckles
This one has been around for a few years now, and while we understood the craze of adding variety to your make-up look, we reckon it’s time to say bye. Not only is it time-consuming and tricky to get right, but we are totally here for accepting the skin you’re in – whether freckled or clear-skinned.


6. Double liner
Maybe we’re just not daring enough, but there are some people who absolutely love the double liner look. This can be done by either making two wings on top of each other or pairing a cat eye with another line in the crease of the eyelid. It just doesn’t seem like something you could rock up with at work, a casual get-together or a walk in the mall. We vote for a classic (single) cat eyeliner look instead.


7. Slugging
One TikTok skincare trend that had the world in its grip was that of slugging. It’s not as gross as it sounds – let us explain. Said to have originated in Korea, the trend requires you to apply a petroleum-based product (most TikTokers made use of Vaseline) to your face and leaving it on overnight. While the craze came from the belief that it does wonders for your skin’s moisture levels, some experts recommend that we not jump on this trend train, as it could clog pores. 


Words by Bianca Muller
Photography: Courtesy Images

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