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How To Start Working Out Again After A Break

Diving back into a workout routine can be quite a challenge. It’s easy to get demotivated when you haven’t exercised in a minute. Here are useful tips to get back to the grind and get those gains back ASAP. 

Start slow to get a flow
Don’t take on too much too quickly. Since you’ve been out of the game for a while, ease back into it. “Doing too much too soon can overwhelm you mentally. And a rigorous routine may eventually feel like too much to deal with, which in turn makes you feel defeated,” says trainer Kellie Sikorski. You are not going to be as fit as you once were. Start with 15 minutes a day to get your body moving. From there, you can build on time and slowly make your routine more strenuous. Soon your fitness will be right back on track! 

Get a workout buddy
Why work out alone when you can exercise with a buddy? It’s way more fun, and your fitness friend can motivate and hold you accountable when you attempt to use any minor excuse to ditch your session. The advantage of a partner is also that you can do fun activities and sports you can’t do alone – try tennis or squash. Together you’ll be back to smashing your workouts in no time. 

Schedule in rest days
Chest day? We thought you said rest day! It’s exciting to jump into a new routine with full force, but make sure to schedule rest days into your routine. If you’ve been working out every day, it won’t be the end of the world as your body doesn’t stop working. “When you take a day off, your body isn’t. It’s working very hard to repair and replenish itself after all the work you put it through,” says Kellie Sikorski. Now you know you can happily slouch on the couch and watch your favourite show on your off days… without any guilt. 

Create a healthy lifestyle
Remember you are exercising for your health – so don’t just look at your exercises, but healthy eating habits, how much sleep you get and your mental health, too. Focus on eating food that fuels your body, rather than just grabbing the first thing you see. Very importantly: get in those extra z’s where you can. Not only will you look good, but you’ll feel great too! 

  Remember, any small start is still a start – so be proud of yourself for trying!