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5 Tips to Reboot Your Health

Is your busy schedule preventing you from prioritising your health? With these hacks, that won’t be the case for much longer.


Mind over matter 

Most people would assume that having motivation is the secret to making those healthy lifestyle changes stick, but it is actually more about consistency and discipline. No one really wants to get out of bed for an early-morning gym session, and many would prefer to eat a box of chicken nuggets instead of chicken breasts, but when you are truly committed to your health journey, you will realise that in order to see results, you need to be actively involved in the process. You only have one body and only you can decide to start looking after it. Once you make this mental switch, you will find that it will start becoming easier to not give in to the whims and stay focused on your goals. 


Start small, think big

Speaking of creating healthy habits, avoid putting unrealistic expectations on yourself. It is all good and well to come out guns blazing, but that just puts unnecessary pressure on yourself. Rather take it slowly, one day at a time. If you have just signed up for the gym, don’t overcommit to three or five days a week. Start with just one day a week and see how it fits into your schedule. Give it some time and then adjust accordingly when you feel comfortable doing so. The same goes for the ‘diet’ aspect. Instead of completely restricting yourself (which is never a good idea), start by drinking more water or finding ways to add more protein to your meals. Focus on the sustainable changes and the rest will come naturally. 


Selfless Self-Care 

Many people feel guilty for taking time away from their other responsibilities to go to the gym or do a quick at-home workout, especially if they are a parent. But instead of being so hard on yourself, try to rather see it as a form of self-care or a way to de-stress from your daily activities. Sometimes the best way we can look after others is by looking after ourselves first. If you feel great, your household will pick up on this positive energy, so stop worrying that you are being selfish and enjoy that one hour
of ‘you’ time! 


Plan Ahead 

If everything else in your life is planned, why not add your health to that list? Exercising or eating healthy does not just happen, it takes some level of planning, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. But if you organise your schedule to fit in your workouts, meal- prepping and that extra hour of sleep (yes, even sleep!) then you might find that committing to your health will feel like a breeze. You may even find yourself planning the rest of your life around your gym time – this is how you know that you have made a switch in your mind. 


Make your environment match 

Once you are on the path of a healthy lifestyle, you should be making changes to your environment too. If you are serious about your health, there are sacrifices that one needs to make such as cleaning out your pantry and filling it with more nutritious options, or choosing to spend your money on fitness adventures instead of foodie adventures. Set yourself up for success by taking a hard look at your environment and cut the things that don’t serve you anymore out of your life. 



Words: Kayla Van Kerpel | Photography: Pexels