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Flooring Made Simple

From vinyl to concrete flooring, we talk trends and how to use them best.


Many of us live in spaces that could do with some TLC, but sometimes, no matter how we reorganise our furniture or how many times we paint the walls the latest Pantone-approved colour, something is never quite right. Have you ever tried dressing up a tiled room, but whichever route you go, the tiles always seem to look dirty? After spending an age on your hands and knees with a scrubbing brush, you think to yourself: ‘Who designed these? What kind of an aesthetic is grime?’ Or whenever you’ve walked into your home, and have had to hold your gaze from the skirting upwards, ignoring the floors when it comes to the general look of the room. Some of us have even resorted to covering these eyesores with large and expensive rugs that may be great to break up a large open space, but they can only cover so much.



Exposed concrete is the new It factor when it comes to home trends, whether it’s on walls, countertops, or even floors, it’s time to bring it home. If you’ve been to any of the newest and coolest restaurants or wine farms, you’ve probably noticed that ‘industrial chic’ is what’s hot and happening. This style of flooring fits right into this trend: With the versatility it offers, you can tailor your space to play up the hardened industrial look, or soften it with some of your own comfy collectables and cherished pieces. This is a trend that can be made to work for you; it is easy to clean and can be coloured using dyes or stains. However, this is not a DIY project for the amateur homemaker – it’s best left in the hands of the professionals. When used in large open spaces, such as the living or dining areas, ensure that the concrete is laid in sections, as one solid piece is likely to crack. The join lines may be off-putting, as they are not the prettiest, but with clever forethought, they can be hidden in an out-of-the-way place or under a large rug.


Fashion comes in swings and roundabouts, and just as the printed pantsuit is back, so is vinyl flooring, and it’s looking better than ever. Have you ever walked into a shop and seen the wall-to-wall polished floors and wished that your home could emanate the same kind of elegance? Vinyl is the way to go. Some may worry that because it looks like the real deal, but isn’t, it’s a compromise on quality. But, if you do your research and invest in a trusted brand, you will have nothing to worry about. With a wide range of design options to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find the vinyl thickness, style and instalment method that suits your home’s aesthetics, without breaking your budget. It’s also easy to install, and companies such as Traviata often provide a warranty. 



Let’s not forget good old-fashioned, wall-to-wall carpeting. Carpets add a warm, cosy element to your space and, if used to their potential, can transform a small ordinary room into something that looks and feels a whole lot bigger. A carpet in a light colour will make a smaller room appear more spacious and will also enhance and draw attention to the furnishings in your room, making them the standout features. So, go neutral if you want your walls and furniture to be the real centre of attention. When it comes to the material of your carpet, wool is the ultimate winner – but be warned, it can  easily use up most of your budget. Nylon and other synthetic fabrics feel just as good as wool, and are much easier on the pocket. Remember, it’s all about making smart choices!



Tiles are no longer limited to the kitchen and bathroom. Benefits include being super easy to clean and having a wide array of tiles to choose from. Tiles appeal to our desire for sleek lines, and the crisp collectedness to which many of us aspire. If we sometimes don’t feel it on the inside, at least our homes can look like we have it together, right? Tile installation can require a little more work than laminate or vinyl, but as this is your home and probably your biggest investment, it’s better to start spending money on quality products that will have better longevity and increase the value of your property. Porcelain, ceramic, glazed, unglazed… With so many options now available to suit different budgets, there is something out there for everyone. Just remember to buy a few extra tiles, over and above what you’ll need, as sometimes, when tiles settle, they can crack, or accidents happen and things get dropped a few years later you need a replacement tile. Also consider the kind of grout you will be using  – black tiles with white grout or vice versa. Play around with different options before you settle on something.


Words: Melissa Jane Hershaw | Photography: Greatstock/living4media